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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. SoCal, I was confused on whether I should use the laugh or cry emoji on the above. Maybe a little of both.
  2. I hopefully doubt that, but I get it. The thing is, SoCal, it isn't even the losing...it's the fact that save a few great defensive efforts they are truly not fun to watch. If nothing else you should be entertaining. Who is entertained?
  3. Is it my imagination or does Bush come to Buffalo a lot. honestly, it seems like they are here every year.
  4. Utica, just because I started the thread that way, you can put whatever caveats you want in. if guys are talking about cutting or trading players you can get rid of GMs and coaches, as you like.
  5. Detroit is middle of the pack cap wise and Stafford is on the roster until 2022...ohhh, nice SH. Just giving me more reasons to go with Detroit!
  6. Ya know, Tom, I'd do some of what the Bills are planning on doing (hopefully), I would draft or sign 3 offensive linemen and bring in one more receiver. One of those young offensive guru coaches would love to take a shot at having Landry, Mayfield, Callaway, Njoku. Pick up a RB later in the draft to challenge or support Chubb a bit, keep shoring up a reasonably good defense and smartly figure out how to spend some of those $81 million dollars they have next year and I think you'd have something special.
  7. Thing is Johnny J'Ville has no QB if Bortles doesn't show up, plus they current have 6 million in cap space now, which goes 13 million over the cap in 2020. Gunner, what would you do to turn it around quickly for them, rather the brand new Buffalo Bills, in 2019?
  8. Edit: I know the Falcons have Ryan and Julio, but man Reed, that defense scares me and they are 19th in the League in cap space in 2018 and 2019.
  9. (Sorry, just bored) Everything: coaches, players, ball boys, the works. We are talking the Bills in exchange for either: Atlanta 3-4 Dallas 3-4 Detroit 3-4 Tamp Bay 3-4 Tennessee 3-4 Denver 3-5 Indy 3-5 Jacksonville 3-5 Jets 3-5 Browns 2-5-1 Cards 2-6 Oakland 1-6 Giants 1-7 San Fran 1-7 San Fran is tempting because of Jimmy Grapes and I have a soft spot for Detroit. However, I am going to go with either Indy or the Browns. Sure, the Browns have coaching problems now, but that is about to get cleared up and they have a nice young team. As far as Indy, Luck obviously seems to be getting better as they are putting up points nicely. I like Reich and don't look now, but if they stay hot there is a chance that this former 1-5 team could catch Houston.
  10. Please tell me your kidding that Freddie "Kitchen Sink" Kitchens gets that job?! That-a-boy, KS! edit: @NoHuddleKelly12 thank you for catching that, NoHuddle! i truly have no idea who that guy is.
  11. Man, I hate to say it, but it does indeed.
  12. Sorry, haven’t read if others here have commented similarly. i just think the guy was a douche during hard knocks and all indications were he was ignoring the head coach almost going (almost) rogue. after Jackson was fired I was going to be p.o.’d if they gave the job to Haley. glad they fired him, too.
  13. I hate to be a d**k... ...but...at least we HAVE a team.
  14. I'll tell you what, I criticized them picking up Barkley, but he really is something special and right now it really looks like the Giants have a good shot at the first overall pick. I know Herbert isn't likely to come out, but if he did...man, that is a nice 1-2 punch in drafts on back to back years for a RB, QB combo. Additionally, if they have another option at QB then they just get Bosa or the other guy whose name escapes me right now.
  15. I know this is going to sound ridiculous and please forgive me in advance. ...but other than Allen playing well when he gets back this year upsetting the Patriots tonight on national television would make my season...sorry, it just would.
  16. H20, I will check things out later in the day just to be sure, but you may have honestly won the internet today, this early in the A.M. Tremendous.
  17. ST, I had the exact same problem. I called and had the phone on speaker before giving up. I called again a little later, but by that time i heard a message that they know they are having technical difficulties and were trying to remedy them. So I just hung up. Yes, they fixed it, but it appeared to screw up 4 quarters of football. The 3rd and 4th of the 1 pm games and the first and second of the 4 pm games. I'm not cheap, but that is ridiculous and they should give us something for that even if it is just simply a free movie rental from On Demand. Boy, Johnny, you gotta let us know about that. It would be greatly appreciated.
  18. He should have never told his returner, “no matter how deep the kick is and no matter how much time is left be sure to take the kickoff out of the end zone, see what you can do, and don’t protect the ball.”
  19. Very respectfully, H20, I think that is looking a little too Captain Queeg hard. You know, as well, that whenever they make fun of us there is going to be no reason to veil it.
  20. May Day, thanks bud. So much "Win" in your post and a lot of it I didn't know. Thrilled at the coaches poll votes...that just tells me respect is becoming a thing. ...and i did not know about the ratings. PTR and some of you other guys called it. Seriously, getting behind this team could really be a thing and could really help them going forward. How great it would be to more often than not have this team be at 9-3, or so.
  21. 3 points. This team scored 3 points on us without the benefit of turnovers. 13 total against our D. Most of you know I am not like this, but F*** you Bills offense...F*** you.
  22. Come on, man. That is awesome. EDIT: It is such a beautiful dig on such a subtle level.
  23. At least see what he can do before Kyle Williams’ annual Christmas party.
  24. You know what, K-9, it would also really help if Army kept winning and they climbed into the Top 25. Better to say the Bulls only loss came against a (eventual) Top 25 team.
  25. @zow2 @PromoTheRobot @K-9 BTW, not for nothing, but I believe they start getting votes again for the top 25 at 9-1, and they climb into the top 25 if they win the MAC Championship at 12-1. knock on wood.
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