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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. I don't believe running the table and going 9-7 will get us into the playoffs. That said do I like winning? Damn straight.
  2. So sweet. Congrats, PTR! ...my stomach is getting a little queasy for the Ohio game. However, I trying to stay optimistic...this one is huge. Glad there is a sabres game tonight just break my focus.
  3. 100% agree. Promo, I hope Oates is using these as learning experiences. Weird to think that continually leading in those games would have a detrimental effect, but they could have. At least coming from behind keeps them honest, with something to work on.
  4. OH JEEPERS, JMF...AND THE DAMN FIELD IS WIDER!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine the sideline throws in those games?!!
  5. Go Griffs! I am a Canisius grad, too. I also like these strong early games, but winning them...vaults you into the top 25, which is nice! Gents, I'll say this, if they go into mid to late December undefeated and beat a ranked Syracuse and a ranked Marquette, back to back?! WHOOAAAA NELLIE!!!!! This UB team should be talked about in the top 12!
  6. Thank you, 716 Buddy, I brain farted! ?
  7. Yeah, but it doesn't stem, or rather start from there, LB. They held the Bears to 191 yards and as Sal pointed out this morning the Bills D was averaging 359 for the first two games and then for the last eight the average has been 288. I see where you are coming from, but honestly, this is just plain a really good defense.
  8. Ah yes, I had the lasagna. ....their rookie seasons are 5 years apart.
  9. BTW, don't believe any of that s*** out there that has him starting in 61. He was in the business starting in the 40s. RIP, my friend, and please give my regards to your wife of 69 years that you are now reunited with.
  10. Ya know, your team that won a championship last year is struggling and you are trying to do all you can do to help...and then this happens to you and there is nothing more you can really do. ...that feeling has to suck.
  11. BRD, it would be nice to say to FAs coming in: We won 5 out of our last 7 games, we are one year removed from the playoffs, our QB position has been set and we have the number defense in the NFL.
  12. The only reason why we can't, and I love me some McBeane, is that the most important position was handled so poorly and even if this is as we believe it was going to be a "step back year", even a little better QB situation would have us in the thick of things at 5-5 with the NFL's easiest schedule the last 6 games.
  13. Everyone always says, "draft the best left tackle and then move Dawkins over...yada, yada, yada.", like it so easy. Out of curiosity are there any great Right Tackles in the draft who are the blind side tackle for a left handed QB that we could pick up?
  14. Wasn't Woody also the guy that was ALL OVER Vontae for leaving the Bills the way he did? I gotta tell ya, I kind of respect this...getting on a team for just not showing up.
  15. Wow, and that is telling. Btw, philly needs about 60 yards or so in the second half to solidify number 1 for the Bills against the Dallas D. Edit: sorry, closer to 80 yards.
  16. I mean we we have been very good earlier in this decade, but man...when was the last time we were number 1 in the league?
  17. Peace and thank you to you all.
  18. Hell, Success, avoid the disaster in Houston and we could still be at least alive at 4-6.
  19. Oh it’s wasted, but still...Number 1 in the entire League is something to be proud of for the D. Edit: would you prefer they not be number 1? ?
  20. I know Gregg, but Jeepers, even when he catches the ball he is like a statue who isn’t even comfortable in his own body. All his though last week went it to the catch and he had utterly no “moves” to run with the ball. he has been dreadful and here also is the big th8ng: what in the world are you going to pay him and what would it take? I truly don’t th8nk he is worth more than 1.5 a year.
  21. Came in at 313.7 per game, Jville was at about the same and the Ravens were at 305. the 199 yards yielded to the Jets put us at 302 for the season. Jags have given up at least 366 to Indy. Congrats Bills D! http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=2&defensiveStatisticCategory=GAME_STATS&conference=ALL&role=OPP&season=2018&seasonType=REG&d-447263-s=TOTAL_YARDS_GAME_AVG&d-447263-o=1&d-447263-n=1 EDIT: You wouldn't even be at number 1, Ravens, if it wasn't for our game with you! Edit 2: Bills were only 40 or so total yards ahead of the ravens, and the Bills gave up 63 more yards than Baltimore: 313-247.
  22. I am almost crying over this game. This is like a great golf swing...it takes just one to pull you back in!
  23. Is anyone else annoyed at the way Teller pancake blocks d-linemen and generally holds his own as a starter? Yeah, didn’t think so.
  24. You know that’s not happening, 1Man. They are going to bring this offense to a screeching stop, like in Minnesota. 20:carries for 60 yards, 4 passes, 2 complete for 11 yards. why in the world would you want to keep your defense, your team and your fans motivated after such a long offensive drought when you can simply just trust the Process.
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