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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. errrr, OK there O29...permission to pump the breaks there a little bit. I was stating a fact, not a conclusion...and I was...let's just say "excited"!
  2. My goodness, guys, in hindsight would many of us like Mahommes? Now? yeah, probably right, writer. Congrats. You are a genius of the unusal sort. Thanks, Kreskin. The only thing I am 100% sure about in my life, in hindsight, is that I married the right woman...Love you, Sweety! Everything else is a gamble. I had Chex cereal this morning and now only 4 hours later I'm thinking I should have gone with a bagel. This moron's next article will be how everyone's favorite gas is oxygen...peon.
  3. Honestly, you know what may...MAY have worked out, but not likely right off the bat? Trading up in the third round to get Russell Wilson (instead of trading up in the third to get TJ Graham), and keeping Fitz around for a year. No, he would not be THE Russell WIlson, but we would have seen enough to realize he was a quality QB.
  4. Spot. On. MJS, the Bills undoubtedly would have also taken Andy Reid as head coach, KC's receivers, TEs, OLine (which includes a medical doctor) and a Not A Tom Brady Division.
  5. BTW, I did extensive research on both teams and came to the unique conclusion that the BIlls OLine, WRs and TEs are terrible in comparison with Kansas City. You can read about all my research in Duh Magazine.
  6. Isn't it funny how the writer tries to make the word "undoubtedly" sound like a quote, instead of him just...writing. I hope the best for Allen. Of course Mahommes is awesome, and he was one of the guys I wanted. Additionally, though, looking at the last game of either young man's first season...I'll take Allen's 3 TD passes, and two rushing TDs over 284 yards and an interception.
  7. Damn...this may have a contrary effect on Tyree Jackson's draft position.
  8. DarelleRevis.Human? "This might just edge out the day my father died as being the saddest day of my life" You can't help but love our Jets brethren in misery. You really can't.
  9. I love Frank and it is interesting to think where things would be if some of the things had worked out similarly (what would he do with a young Allen...or a young Mahommes ) however, I do like Sean and with him you got Beane, which you may not have gotten otherwise and I am pleased with management lately, so...we'll see.
  10. Interesting, isn't it, to see these guys all showing up: Watson, Trubisky, Mahommes...honestly, with the recent few classes, including 2018s, I think the NFL is in a reasonably good place with about 8-12 QBs.
  11. I was honestly excited about him, Feelsy, but he was still a wild card to me and I don't know how willing I was to commit. I liked him and Watson.
  12. Interesting...hopefully not depressing in the long run, but very interesting. I may have to re-read it, as I didn't see exactly where he mentioned what caps had been brought to the draft party, just the order of the teams drafting, including the Bills. Did the Bills even talk to Mohammes or his people in the lead up? I know we are not the same team and we have Allen..damn, though, those 50 TDs and 5k yards.
  13. I think the season should start labor day weekend to have that Monday off (sorry, I know it influences some peoples' family vacations) and yes, the day after the Super Bowl being a Holiday as well would be a great way to finish it off. Switch President's Day to the day after the big game.
  14. I'm dead serious, this is a nice move by Cleveland. After reading what he has been able to do recently this is obviously not the sexy choice, but probably better overall for development and team continuity.
  15. I know there is the Super Bowl revenge factor, but it would be nice having one over on Los Angeles and beating the Rams. You know what would suck? If we play the Cowboys, we have the better team record wise, and they take us to the wood shed like the two previous times. ...that would be tough.
  16. Over his first five years in BUffalo Peters made about 11.7 million dollars. In 10 years in Philly he has currently made another 94 million dollars. Save for a couple of injuries to have a guy pay left tackle for your team for a decade and just not have to think about it over such a large course of time is an NFL blessing. Rarely does anyone ever say that awesome left tackle doesn't fit our scheme...can't say that about every position. Yeah, this worked out real well for Philly. I love the idea (or hope for) the Bills possibly picking up the top tackle in the draft and it would be great if we didn't have to worry about him again until the shady side of 2030.
  17. Rarely has there been a playoff with so many teams I find very easy to root for and that I like very much. Rivers and Lynn...You betcha. Luck and Frank...absolutely. Reid and Mohammes...lotta fun. Brees...one of the greatest of all time and another fun team. Eagles...love those guys since they beat the Pats and Thick D*** Nick is back! Rams...McVay is a witch and I love Woods. Cowboys...weird to say, but even them as I respect the hell out of some of those guys and they've had a nice run.
  18. He is a mixed bag, but my goodness I absolutely think he needs another year of play in college. if it isn't at UB fine. Especially if he thinks it will diminishes his chances, but jeepers, this young man needs more seasoning, and I do not mean on the bench (potentially) in the pros, but in College. He played really good games and some poor games, but no matter what I was always left thinking he could (or should) be much better...even in the really good games.
  19. I guess face masks are A OK to do in the playoffs. who knew. how did they not catch that on third down? How did Romo not catch it on the replay? what the hell is going on that it is as plain as the helmet almost twisted off the RB’s head that no one caught that?!
  20. Great year for him and a great player. However, might I please just add something that came up the day, or day after he was drafted by the Bills. Someone on WGR brought up to a Bills rep, or someone from an outside media source, that he seemed extremely disinterested during his media interview, and essentially, disinterested in being a Buffalo Bill. The person interviewed quickly responded, no no, that's the way he is all the time. low key, cool as ice. Well into the McBeane Era and seeing how thing have changed, and even given later Patriot interviews by Gilmroe where he admitted to being a me guy I can't help but believe...yeah...the guy honestly didn't want to be here.
  21. Great...I am about to go have an outpatient procedure done and this is the only thing I'm thinking about. I'll ask my doctor what she thinks.
  22. ahhh. Man. seriously, think about it...100 feet up, more than 60 yards out. That's not necessarily easy, even for Josh. Test it at night time like Roy Hobbs did for batting practice.
  23. 110' is to the top of the upper deck, though, right? I don't think he has to throw it that high to make out of the endzone portion of the stadium. It does look like it would have to travel a distance of 60 or so yards, as you look at photos.
  24. Royale, nothing to do with football here. I swear to you this morning on the way into work they were talking on WGR about what has been going wrong with the sabres lately and alone, in my car, I said out loud, 'Well, if I were super racist I'd blame Obama." ...it maybe would have been funny if there were someone there to hear it. I need to car pool.
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