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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. WEO, I know and you are absolutely right. I was thinking for both, first with what Shady said...yes, one offs, easy. However, and honestly I don't know, but I am wondering if they could design something that would/could reasonably work as a home for the sabres, as well. Probably not, because of the size but also the angle of the seats to the ice as compared to football...but if they could it would be of considerably more value to the Pegulas. Pure speculation on my part, or just wondering about the feasibility.
  2. Please don't jump on me, because I am likely late to the party and it only occurred to me just now. Could the dome feasibly be used for hockey?
  3. I know this is pure speculation, but can you imagine if they had run the set up play to the left hash mark instead of the right? If Norwood did everything the exact sam (which he may not have) that kick might have sailed right down the middle of the uprights and we are buying him beers to this day.
  4. I remember 3rd and 13...oh man do I remember it.
  5. Because traditionally we are so good against Bill Belichick defenses? Hindsight being 20/20 and if I may paraphrase the saying, that was Bill Belichick being Bill Belichick before anyone knew he would be Bill Belichick.
  6. I really on't hate this at all. I want to see Duke, too, but this is a reasoanble list.
  7. That, GB. That right there above. That is absolutely how you know this is a scam. No way a casual observer would believe the above, let alone someone during research on this topic. There fanbase has been proven on multiple occasions to be a charade and made up out of big company dollars.
  8. gabadubadibidoobadahbagub
  9. Man, me too, Helpmenow. I'll never forget that.
  10. You know, HUDS. doesn't it seem like that with this team in this city it was always going to have to be something a little different to make this franchise go forward? I don't picture San Diego, Houston or KC being built or structured the way we are and they are generally successful. However, I just don't see us being like those teams. Like others have said I don't know how proud I am of this team (yet), but I will say I really do like thinking about them a lot and it doesn't turn my stomach.
  11. Virgil, I am not sure I did it in the draft thread, so I just wanted to take the time now to thank you for that TSW draft.  It's a neat and fun thing to do at that time of year and I know it is time consuming for you so as a fellow board member, again, thank you.


    Go Bills.

    1. Virgil


      Always boss.  Yes, it’s time consuming, but ultimately more fun and I’m glad to do it. 


      Thank you for the shout out 

  12. I know. Honestly I know and I heard it. That said. Jon Bon Jovi (Bon Giovanni, I think is his real name...kind of a cool fact) was going to move. The Buffalo Bills to Toronto. He needed the Rogers, AND every cotton pickin' single dime he had to his very name (which ever you choose) to even be able to come close to buying the Bills...No way they stay in Buffalo, and no way he could logistically maintain control over the team in the long run without the obvious help from Rogers, and the influence that comes with it, even if he wanted to stay, which I don't believe he did. You stay here for a bit (2023 lease expiration). Don't get the public money that you want and more so need and BAM, you are off to Toronto (like you've been planning) with greener income pastures and the NFL is thrilled about it.
  13. eball, please do me a favor and tell Charlie Weiss something, if you ever have the chance. Jon Bon Jovi was going to move the Bills to Toronto. Charlie: "But Donald Trump is a liar and his minions, and..." Dollars 2 Donuts: "Shut-up, shut-up shut-up...SHUT-UP...'S-H-U-T-U-P'! Thank you. Thank you for explaining Donald Trump to me. You done? Good. Jon Bon Jovi was going to move the Bills to Toronto."
  14. When you say "missing out on him" to mean when he was right there for us at 4 and became an instant impact player and an instant pro-bowler and eventually league defensive MVP and one of the best backers in the game as opposed to taking a player who was gone after three years or so, or do you mean missing out on giving up two first round picks on him last year? ...OK, it's a little rhetorical and loaded... I am right there with you as far as being pissed. Does it show?
  15. Bri, you nailed it. I was thinking that too the last few times that these corners get cut.
  16. Lost me at “The”. ...I can’t read. ? Amazing I’ve lasted this long on this board by randomly pressing keys.
  17. I'm sorry, gentlemen. I wish I could spare every parent this pain. ...and WD I remember when your child was born. Good to here things are going well after a tough and scary time, buddy.
  18. BTW, Shady, even though we are older parents we were finally blessed with a baby girl. She is the joy of our lives, my friend.
  19. Thank you, Sir. Glad on the first part above, sad on the second. ...we could have put you out to stud and made a lot of money...or enough for lunch. JK, Shades.
  20. Shady, it happened twice to my wife and I. The feeling of loss... ... ...Blessing and prayers to the Foles in the hopes that they find a place for their pain quickly.
  21. Sorry, LTTP, been busy. HUDs, I am not sure if I would love it like we had with Kelly, but that is just me being nervous as I (we) have not actually seen it "Go!" yet. However, if the line can block it...then damn straight!
  22. When you really get to the nuts and bolts of it, when you consider what he has here with the radio show, and the dealership commercials, wouldn't you want to stop being a sideline reporter in your mid 50s?
  23. JAHBH, all valid points and I have no problem considering them. However, even given what you've stated, the good and the bad, does that work out to 4-12 to you, a record the Bills have been at or lower than only two times in the last 32 seasons? To put it another way is it reasonable to assume (you, me, NFL talking heads) that this will end up being the the 3rd worst (or first or second) Bills team in the last 33 years?
  24. BTW, someone please tell me what's more annoying: the Bills picking 4th or the Jets picking 18th (Vikes at 18 last year with an 8-7-1 record)? I guess the Jets have had a much better off season (going from 4-12 to likely 9-7 if you believe the above) than the Bills (6-10, likely on their way to 4-12) even though it seems the Bills have improved last year's team. And the team picking first is the Dolphins, so...I mean we beat them twice and go 2-12 against the rest of the NFL? Which is amazing when you consider that against the rest of the NFL (except the Pats) the last two years the Bills are 15-13, 12-12 without the Phins. ...oh, and 3-1 against the Jets current head coach the last two years.
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