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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Not gonna lie, for the first six quarters of last season I thought this was the worst team I had ever seen, Bills or otherwise...anywhere...ever. ...and that’s not knowing at the time that we had a guy who quit at half time.
  2. Poor Wade Philips. ?
  3. Bless this team and these players. Bless them, indeed.
  4. Please enjoy the game, gentlemen, and "Go Bills". I am going to be with my wife and daughter at the festival of lights carnival in Hamburg on Saturday during the game. I love football, but this is the only time we can go from now until Christmas and I wouldn't miss this time with my little girl and wife for even the Super Bowl.
  5. Outstanding, section122...and you should still start that post. The above is only the beginning. Just great.
  6. I wanted Shady, Motor and Gore...I just...you know... Maybe Shady would have been a problem with less touches and maybe it could have become an issue, but I just think the guy would have helped as opposed to what we don't get...or aren't be allowed to see, with Yeldon.
  7. Dollars to Donuts went on to write, "Phil the Thrill's analysis here is spot on, and funny." The portly but handsome frequent contributory to TSW continued, "I might start quoting myself, too, or at the very least paraphrasing or plagiarizing some of the material I write on this Board."
  8. Don’t be silly, Yolo. Why would an interior defensive linemen with almost 10 sacks in 14 games make the pro-bowl? ...plus, he’s a Buffalo Bill, to boot.
  9. My high was 10-6, but would have been fine with 9-7. 9-7, but with no playoffs...I would have been sort of ok with as it still showed progress. ...these are good times.
  10. @elroy16 @section122 @NoHuddleKelly12 - See EDIT below, too. "Oh well. That’s how these pre-season predictions go, and let’s face it, it’s been a cynical reflex for a while now to suggest both the Browns and Bills are teams that will always disappoint." Just FYI, author of the article, the Bills have a winning record the last six years (48-46, including the playoff loss), are 46-37 over that span against teams not named Patriots. In six years have had only 2 losing seasons and are now going to the playoffs for the second time in 3 years. yeah, yeah...I know this year helps and I know we are not one of the teams of the decade, but for about the last half decade this has been a middling team at the very worst (33-32 including the playoff loss after McD's rookie year as coach, and 39-42 after the "take the lumps for the future" year of 2018), but generally they are thought of as one of the laughing stocks of the nfl, with no less than 3 prognosidiots having this team going 0-16 in anyone of the years 2016 and 2017. ...again...just gets tiresome. EDIT: Oh, and author, I know you like groupings, but before the ball snapped for the first time this September: Bills since 2014 (incl. playoffs): 39-42 Browns since 2014 : 18-61-1 ...yeah...they're like the same team, aren't they?! We only had...wait for it...wait for it...116% more victories than Cleveland over that span. Someone please try and tell me there isn't an astigmatism about this team?
  11. Yeah, honestly this is not a difficult first round pick for this team. Whatever you don't pick up in FA between a WR or pass rushing DE/LB is what you take in the first (mind you, if you are strictly picking by position...which I know is a big sin in the world of Best Player Available). Second round is more debatable (replacement LB for Lorax, OL?), but I would stick to the above in round 1.
  12. I know it is a very inaccurate term, K-9, but when I was a kid during my high school games my father used to refer to that as "arm tackling". Again, not a great definition or term for it because it likely means the opposite, but he thought of it just as you've stated...taking your shoulder (or arm) throwing it at a guy and thinking it is going to work. Used to drive him crazy and i have come to realize what a true football sin it is. I'll stand by what I have said before, if you remove the sort of projectile tackles or head shots from every level of the game those who were trained that way would be out of the way in just a few short years and the game of football can most certainly survive and you'd be surprised how much it is NOT a wussificaton of the game...rather, a safety concern decision that just makes sense.
  13. Swim I didn't say that. Did you just accidentally post it within one of my quotes? IF so, seriously, would you really order it that way?! I honestly had no idea.
  14. NFL: "We love us some Bills! To show you our love, get ready for all you prime time games next year! They'll be easy to spot! Just look for this!" @
  15. @Phil The Thrill Somebody on this board has been hip to this for a little while.
  16. ...and LA you know for sure that there will be those guys out there that hold on like grim death that will refuse to acknowledge any sort of credit to Josh. I am not at all saying CC is one of them...but they are out there.
  17. The Bills are also the largest city in New York State to have an NFL franchise and it was the first of those cities that had Buffalo style chicken wings* * we get to just call them wings...Seriously, can you imagine being in the shadow of Lincoln Financial Field and saying, "I'd like a Philly steak and cheese, please!"?
  18. We know he is not a fan of Josh's feet...or at least where they point. Just for the record...they point to the playoffs.
  19. PFF focused determined there was a 95% chance that those viewers were tuning in to check out Duck Hodges.
  20. Have you had the steaks? Will change you life, nothing more than the seafood bisque will. He gets a pass.
  21. Look, let's be serious...this is an awesome point by May Day. I want to win the Super Bowl, but if we don't...helping to wreck New England's season and making their playoff run more difficult is just such a tasty little treat that makes me giggle. "Oh, want to go to four super bowls? It's hard, innit' it?"
  22. I can't...up vote this...enough. Please re-post so I can up vote again. BTW, I really hope we aren't about to get a "The Great White Hype" scenario..."oh, NE, you're old, you're washed up, you're going down left and right!" and then BOOM, they smack us upside the head. ...in short...come on, On Field Bills Mafia, let's get this monkey off our back.
  23. Doesn't it make it better, story wise, that at first he didn't want to, and didn't sign here? How do you finish the regular season story...get him 3 more td passes and let this season (with the additional yards) be his career best for receptions, tds and yards.
  24. Sorry if already posted and sorry if I am wrong, but I thought Flutie beat the cardinals on Sunday night in either 98 or 99.
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