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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. It has...poetry and a satisfying denouement that would be agreeable and pleasing to the local fan base. A certain je n'ais quoi quality, that I can't quite put my finger on here*, but probably applies. * I know, geniuses, that's the joke...let it be.
  2. I...could live with that. ?
  3. Chandler, side note please...how do we lock our own threads, or can't we do it anymore? I wanted to lock the Big Ben thread, as I thought it would be just a distraction, but then I just plain deleted it. There were great comeback takes in there by Board Members, but again, I just thought the thread was more of a distraction and I hadn't even given it a lot of proper thought before posting.
  4. Can we feel bad for Levi for just a bit? first playoff game and just one game away. ...that stinks.
  5. Oh man, who wants to break it to ESPN that the Bills made the playoffs this year and McDermott is still their head coach? They are going to be very upset.
  6. Gotta admit, being with the Bengals as the only teams not to beat the Pats the last 5 weeks is a little disconcerting. Someone around here, jocularly so, mocked me a few weeks back at the suggestion that Fitzy could beat the Pats, in New England, especially in a game they needed. ...any given Sunday I believe is sort of how I responded. Happy “Any Given Day”.
  7. “Look, if somebody gets in the way of me getting the ball, I push the bast**d.” Lee Smith, September-December 2010-20xx
  8. Well, my sources from deep within me say I’m going to down a lot of pasta today during a relaxing regular season finale. ...take it to the Bank, brother. ?
  9. Beane is a witch. I’ve been saying it for awhile. he will be brewing up a special batch of eye of newt and wolfsbaine stew in the off season.
  10. Gugny, I will pay you (not a lot) to come to the bathroom in my house and see me produce some meaningless crap.
  11. Stads, you had me at “E-S-P-N”, the same guys who brought you this years’s likely coach of the year, Sean McDermott, as “the coach on the hottest seat in the nfl”...one year removed from the playoffs and doing a rebuild that they actually referenced in their press conferences.
  12. On the contrary...he's a BIG B word.
  13. Ok, row...I will have to suffer through 4:30 then! ?
  14. Terrible in the same way that the Cowboys game was crazy high ratings?!
  15. Don't want a Sunday game. Let this be a Holiday weekend for us. Saturday...ohhh, if it is prime time...
  16. I was there. Same side of the field, but opposite side of the stadium, and I swear to you for an instant I thought it was good and the refs were stepping forward to raise their hands up. bruce Hornsby (wow, some of you just don’t know) was a couple of rows back and one section over, closer to the opposite side end zone. ...I love that I had better seats than him.
  17. So much spot on in what you said, Promo. Additionally, you know my feelings with respect to the last choke loss and I won’t go back into here as it will...get my blood up. ? Dare I say this, and forgive me for it, but if this team is 9-3 through 12, wins the MAC and then wins a bowl then I think an 11-3 team, and 21-7 in 2 years gets programs really sniffing around Lance, even given his age. I know the bigger programs like the younger guys, but I a, just home we get a continued run with LL. Honestly would be something I’d the man is here another 5 years or so.
  18. Promo, what a surprisingly nice season with a satisfying ending. Please correct me me if I am wrong, but aren’t they 22-9 in their last 31 games, which I believe includes a 4 game win streak at the end of 2017? at least I know they 18-9 in the last two. Just great.
  19. Please, no, Heitz. I felt you, brother. I got it the first time!
  20. Alpha...what if he finished the Houston game last year and the Pats game this year? In a weird way I am glad he didn't finish against the Texans. If he wins that game, No Oliver at #9 this year. ...and sure, he was taking his lumps against the Pats and I love me some Barkley...but given his 4th quarter comeback record i would love to have seen him finish and win that first game. Just think...we would be playing to clinch the division this weekend with an eye towards clinching a first round bye thereafter.
  21. Alpha this is great, but a minor change, if I may.
  22. Because we wish those we've loved and lost were with us here right now to enjoy the best Bills season in 20 years. Because, personally, the common ground my father and I had much of the time was football and in 2007 on the way home from the Giants home loss that ended the home portion of that season my father said he was getting too old for this (the losing), upon which I responded, "enjoy it, dad, you never know. It could be your last game." He said, "Good point, you're right." He died 3 months later. I will talk with him about this team. However, I would really love to converse with him about it, too. The losses, the personal ones, have the tendency to remind us of our youth...of different times.
  23. I was thinking that, too, while I was typing this post.
  24. ...he really would. So would my dad, and many of those out there whose loved ones live on in their hearts and in their memories and as some of us believe, in the hereafter. Cheer loudly Pancho and Patsy and all you others. We will hear...we will know. GO BILLS.
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