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Everything posted by RichStadiumGuy

  1. Any chance you could try that again? That group of words that you published took a serious nose dive after "birds will" and it makes no sense at all to me.
  2. OK... I gotta do some bird venting so I figured I'd vent here today for a change because the wife is sick of hearing about this "crap" every day. Bluebirds! We have a LOT of them around our place... I counted 13 of them on the bird bath at one time earlier this year and I think they're absolutely beautiful when those wings are spread. Don't get me wrong... I love 'em and I'm glad there's so many around here being the official bird of this God forsaken state of New York... BUT! There's one in particular that continually bashes its head against both of the front door windows on my truck! It perches on the mirrors and then repeatedly attacks its image in the glass over & over. I realize it's seeing its reflection and it thinks it's attacking another bluebird but come on for Christ's sake... how many freaking head bashings is it gonna take before the light finally comes on? The constant head bashing part is the bird's problem... MY problem is that every time it bashes its head on the window a trail of white stuff comes squirting out of its other end running down the door. Every single day for the past 2 weeks now I've been cleaning off trails of bluebird crap from both of my truck's front doors... over & over... I wiped up crap trails SIX TIMES just yesterday! And it doesn't matter where I park the truck either... out front... out back... under a tree... out in the sun... it doesn't matter... it just won't give up! OK... all done venting... thanks for tuning in!
  3. I don't know one single person that's had a VPN and was happy with it and I know quite a few folks that have had various different ones. The biggest complaint by far is there are a LOT of sites you won't be able to access without a bunch of messing around with settings and running a close second in the complaint department is they slow down your connections... sometimes drastically!
  4. No problem... the old farmer down the road has been around a while and he's got some good "home remedies" that's for sure! As a matter of fact he just turned 92 years old last week and he's still driving himself around everywhere in his 28 year old Dodge pickup :) Here's another one for anybody having woodchuck problems. We had one that kept occupying our shed a few years ago and no matter how many times I filled that hole back in within a day or two it had the hole dug again. The old guy said to fill the hole back in like usual but put a couple of inches of used kitty litter on the top layer... so I tried that and we never had a hole in our shed again.
  5. My wife has "relocated" 8 chippies so far this year... they seem to be in abundance everywhere this year as the in-laws say they see at least a half dozen at their place this year too and they've rarely seen them there before. When I say she "relocated" them I mean she's catching them in a have-a-heart trap and taking them about a mile down the road to turn them loose in farm fields. I got an awesome tip for bait for those little rodents from the old farmer down the road last year and it's certainly working like a charm! They LOVE Cheerios! She threads about a half dozen Cheerios onto a wire twist tie and then ties the twist tie to the trip lever on the trap.
  6. I bought a can of that meatball crap a few years ago and after I dumped it out of the can into the kettle and caught a good whiff of it the kettle got dumped directly into the trash can... that's some pretty gross stuff! Meatballs made from beef & chicken? I wonder what parts of the animals they used? By the smell of it I'm guessing their anal cavities.
  7. Well I just left a good healthy morning dump after drinking a half cup of coffee but I've got a feeling that's not what you were looking for. Maybe be a little more specific?
  8. Jack Daniels stuff and I've got quite a bit of it. In my collection I have one very rare item that they weren't even aware of existing when I visited the distilleries private section for "Tennessee Squires Association" members only. I spoke with the oldest member of the association when I was there for the second time in 2016... he was 102 years old at the time and sharp as a tack. He remembered seeing what I have back in the mid 30's and couldn't believe there were still any in existence. I had two of them and donated one of them to the association to put in their display case.
  9. I'm with the dude from Illinois... when you're done put the seat AND the lid down. In my 70+ years I've never dropped anything into the bowl that I didn't want in there but I've had plenty of things bounce off of the lid that I wouldn't want in there.
  10. To add a little twist to the idiots that don't use their turn signals at all... the morons that hit the turn signal lever WHILE they're turning. Why even bother? The damned things were designed to let other drivers around you know what your intentions are... if you're already turning it's too late!
  11. If you have a really expensive car I don't think you're required to use turn signals... I'm not sure they even have them?
  12. A real bummer with the heavy cloud cover that's for sure... we didn't get to see any of it at all. My place is Very close to dead center of the path and about the only really cool thing (other than the brief blackout) was seeing the "sunrise" on the western horizon instead of the eastern. I firmly believe that Mother Nature doesn't like people in western NY at all... she even managed to sprinkle on us a little bit just before it got dark.
  13. I guess I worded that wrong... my house is absolutely well within the "totality" range but according to the official statistics the exact CENTER of the totality range is only about a quarter mile away from here. One quarter of a mile from my house is the town of Clarendon NY.
  14. Right here in my back yard. Totality is within a mile or so of here so a few friends that live in the city are coming out here for some liquid refreshments... of course some "other things" may happen too but I won't go there.
  15. I'm guessing you're headed to Batavia? There's lots of stuff going on all over the place around here... I live well north of Batavia about a quarter mile south of the Orleans County line. If you want to get a little advance idea of the venues around the county here's links to the two Batavia local news sources.... https://www.thedailynewsonline.com/ https://www.thebatavian.com/ Have fun... hope you enjoy the visit back to your old hood 🙂
  16. For once living out here in the boonies of northern Genesee County pays off... according to every map I've seen dead center of the path is only a couple of miles from my place!
  17. Oh hell... you're just a young buck then 😀
  18. We must be pretty close to the same age... that would be the really-really old people group! This was our graduating class song in 1970.
  19. How about Alvin Lee & Ten Years After? I bought the "A Space In Time" album when it first came out and it got so worn out from playing it so much that in a year's time I had to buy a second one! And that rendition of "I'm Going Home" they did at Woodstock turned a couple hundred thousand burnt out hippies into screaming maniacs pretty freaking quickly. I was there and all I can say is... what a TOTAL rush THAT was in the wee hours of the morning!! And let's not forget Iron Butterfly and that insane drum solo in "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida"! Who didn't freak out the first time they heard the long version of that one played on their "stereos" back in 68? Seventeen minute songs played in their entirety on the radio were unheard of before that one came along. I bought my first car shortly after I got my license when I turned 16 back in 1968 and the first thing I did was install a brand new AM/FM radio with a built-in 8 track player in it and a couple of heavy duty speakers. It just had an AM radio with one speaker in the center of the dash when I bought it so the sound system upgrade was a severe necessity being a 16 year old. Yeah... I was without a doubt one of the coolest juniors in high school :)
  20. Here... let's throw another wrench into the gearbox while we're at it! https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/rochester/politics/2024/03/08/activists-ask-supreme-court-to-hear-bills-stadium-lawsuit
  21. Well from what I gather at this Bradford Exchange site the Josh Allen coin is the first one so I'll go out on a limb here and say there aren't any others. https://www.bradfordexchange.com/products/923615_nfl-proofs-of-buffalo-bills-quarterback-josh-allen.html?searchTerm=buffalo+bills+coins&canonicalUrl=%2Fsearch%2Fbuffalo%2Bbills%2Bcoins.html&canonicalUrlNew=%2Fsearch%2Fbuffalo%2Bbills%2Bcoins.html&vid=20091217001
  22. I also have Spectrum Rochester and we watch Antiques Roadshow every Monday at 8 pm on channel 1221 (WXXI) including just last night. For OTA reception that would be the PBS channel out of Rochester (channel 21). However... looking at their schedule just now I see it's on at 4 and 5 pm this coming Monday instead of at 8 pm. Weird... I don't recall ever seeing a change in the viewing time for this show before and we've been watching it for at least 20 years now! According to Wiki Antiques Roadshow is now in season 28.......... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiques_Roadshow
  23. David Hasselhoff... the star of the show and the dude that drove the car.
  24. Nope... CB radios were a God's send to truckers back in those days but anybody that went through there regularly knew quite well where they'd be sitting. I used to get "examined" by the DOT boys on 17 down there pretty regularly for a while though until they saw that I always kept everything up to snuff. They really liked going over us owner/operators with fine toothed combs!
  25. I stand corrected... I was going by a couple of previous posts stating that she's from Cattaraugus... which is not just a county but also a town quite a hike north of Limestone. If I had a buck for every time I drove through Limestone over the years my retirement would be a whole lot more comfortable than it is now :)
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