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  1. 43 years married plus we "lived in sin" for 5 years before getting married so we've been together for 48 years total. It's kinda funny... my wife's mother wasn't real happy about the living together thing for quite a while and then at the dinner table on Thanksgiving day a few years after we were married she said looking back at all of their friend's kids that had gotten divorced after a short marriage that maybe that living together first thing might not be such a bad idea after all. I guess I should add that I was married for 7 torturous years to my high school sweetheart starting not long after graduating high school before stumbling across the real woman I'm happily married to now!
  2. I'll definitely be trying that out... there's a spot for the bag right next to the bottle of "Gentleman Jack" I keep on the freezer door.
  3. Two pages and nobody even gave an honorable mention to York Peppermint Patties yet? When I open up a fresh bag of those bad-boys I always stuff my nose right inside the bag and hyperventilate for a while... it's the ultimate peppermint rush :)
  4. Don't feel like you're alone Dude! Somewhere during the 3rd quarter I considered contacting ANY team looking for a new coach to beg them to take Brady!
  5. Okie-Dokie... in the first chapter you used an old computer you were getting rid of... now I see "we performed these tests with our computers." Can't wait to see the next chapter.
  6. Being a retired Systems Administrator for a large (unnamed) corporation employing over a thousand users with computers and servers at all six locations in different cities on the east coast... I ain't swallowin one drop of this "story" either. Not all of us were born yesterday or fell off of a turnip truck my friend.
  7. Trust me... you're not swaying my opinion in the least. I spent 23 years in corporate IT specializing in security for 6 years before retiring and your story sounds pretty... well I'll just say... hard for me to swallow.
  8. Well if this is the same TikTok that's being banned in the US all I can say is bye-bye and don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out!
  9. I'd be very interested to know how you did this testing and which product(s) "invited more virus issues." I'm not quite sure what a "virus issue" would consist of actually so you've got my interest piqued here.
  10. I don't live far from Brockport and I've gone by that place hundreds of times and never really knew what it was. The wife and I have dinner pretty regularly at a place just north of the canal and I can't WAIT for that damned bridge to re-open!
  11. Being a retired IT Guy I've built a LOT of computers for friends & family over the past 30 years and every single one of them left my bench with a "Trend Micro Internet Security" program on it. It's not widely advertised as the bulk of their sales relies on corporate systems but their Home & Small Office Suites are just as tight as their corporate suites. You'd have to guess that all of those friends & family that I built systems for always called me first when ANY little hiccup occurred and not one of them ever got a virus. I had several calls over the years telling me that they saw a message that an infection was attempted but caught and stopped but not a single one of them were ever infected. Just a note if anybody's interested in checking into it... Trend Micro is the name of the company and they have several different "flavors" of internet security programs at different prices. I'd highly suggest "Trend Micro Maximum Security" myself... that's what I'm running now and have been since my first computer back in 1993.
  12. Mr. Baseball also holds the record for the most appearances on Carson being one of Johnny's guests over 100 times over the years... and every single time he was on there he'd have Caron in stitches! When Carson was asked who his favorite guest was during an interview after he retired he immediately replied with no hesitation... Bob Uecker. RIP Mr. Baseball
  13. No... it's not "significant" and we're talking about the outcome of football games here. Comparing that to an election is a bit bizarre but regardless 60% is still barely more than half. Certainly far from what a normal non-exaggerating type of person would consider a "pummeling"!
  14. Looks a LOT more like Ray Romano to me.
  15. After that immediate score by Denver and then zero pressure on Nix during their second drive I stopped watching the game and went about doing some stuff in the office where I couldn't even hear the TV. The wife came out and told me it was safe to come back in near the end of the third quarter. You're welcome!
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