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Danger Mouse

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Everything posted by Danger Mouse

  1. HC must be one of the difficult jobs in the world. I love how easy your average Walmart worker thinks it is.
  2. He seemed relaxed and down to earth in his post game interviews. Which is great. He's becoming more comfortable in his skin post-season.
  3. Any news on Bernard yet? I'm guessing he's done? Legs don't just seem to visibly snap like that and heal overnight. His towel over the head when leaving the field suggested to me he was in tears, knowing his season was done. I presume our pitch is like concrete in weather like this?
  4. Mine is a naive opinion for a variety of reasons, but I think the whole 'QB slide' thing is nonsense anyway. If you come out to play on the battlefield, you should be fair game for defenders. Nobody is forcing you to cross the line of scrimmage.
  5. Imagine making the playoffs yourself and the first thing you have to do is cry about another team making the playoffs too. I reckon it's fear
  6. I thought both safeties were the unsung heroes, their leadership held the D together second half. Buffalo legends, both of them.
  7. I absolutely love Romo. It might be cos I'm overseas and he doesn't grate so much. But I find him really insightful. Yes, he gets a bit excited and can be overly positive. But in our sports over here all commentators ever do is criticise, and Romo's positivity is a welcome change of pace. His chemistry with Jim Nantz is great and clearly genuine, IMO. I always like it when he's on our games. Plus, he saw us taking the number two seed when we had a 5% chance. He's been there, done it, isn't up his own a-hole and genuinely loves the sport he's a part of.
  8. well, we might have a *couple* of excuses, if we have no linebackers fit. <shrug>
  9. Like last night. No punter. Fine, only punt once the whole second half. But I'm being disingenuous. FGs are vital in playoffs. From 'bass-o-matic' to 'basshole' in less than a year.
  10. This made me laugh. But that IS sort of the point of a fake. It wasn't a fake, not close. But justsayin.
  11. It's a massive, massive ask. Especially with the three teams we'll need to beat to win the thing. But writing off this team is for losers. (Makes you realise, though, that you really need the first seed if you plan on winning this thing)
  12. You’re late for your evening shift at the gas station.
  13. this is sort of a ***** post, but i also sort of agree with the point too
  14. up against a great o line, though
  15. Awesome. And horrible - but we're used to that. Rudolph is a pretty decent QB for a back up. But you've got to give credit to this side. They keep standing up when you think they are down. Klein the latest 'next man up' hero in a season of them
  16. prognosis not great for next week if injuries stand at MLB but at some point this team has to have earned the right to a bit of faith and trust
  17. The Big Brave BIlls overcome adversity once again.
  18. Huge, huge,huge play. momentum wise. Wonderful stuff by Khalil Also lol at that PAT given the 50 yard attempt earlier
  19. Me too. He's been my favourite player this year. The only hope is that 'next man up' has been consistently and surprisingly good this season
  20. three points always good in playoff football. reid rode them in the cold against miami. just keep scoring.
  21. Bernard off makes this game more or less even now. This is going to be close
  22. maybe a bit more aggressive avoiding the need to punt, eh joe?
  23. Araiza can't love us much, can he?
  24. It's always a risk isn't it. Every time you go for a 50 yd FG you always risk killing your punter. It's mad he didn't factor that in. He's such a fool
  25. A missed FG isn't the end of the world. McD isn't expecting that to get blocked for -40 yards.
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