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Everything posted by nosejob

  1. Instant wealth messed his time up here. He's come around though to pro bowl caliber.
  2. I thought they should have turned him into a couple of good picks last year and drafted Christian Harris. Not sure if they actually could have after picking up 5th yr. option, but unloading him on say Detroit could have got us a high 2nd and 4th.
  3. He got almost 13 this year, no way he takes that money. someone will pay him at least 15.....4/60 at the very least, and that's the low side. Pittsburgh?
  4. Agree with all. Not a big fan of Roman ,but I suppose he could provide some balance.
  5. I wanted them to go after Reddick last year right off the bat, but they seem to sit on their hands and ....I don't know. I'm not really critical of Beane's drafts, but we're sitting here married to the Rick Dennison of defense. Why???
  6. I'm betting he ends up in San Fran when Ryans takes the Houston job. He's a bud of Shannahan and coached the D there under Harbaugh. Nothing to see here. ....and I love it.
  7. I hope the Chiefs curbstomp the Bengals....and I don't like the Chiefs.
  8. This was the hope at this time last year.
  9. I think it would be stupid not to throw Poyer 7 mil. for next year....and hopefully have a healthy Hyde. They can find a way to do a 2yr. deal with a bonus and an out after one, Then they can iron things out behind them.
  10. I don't know about anyone else, but this is what I was hoping for this year especially going into the playoffs. Do I think after the last few years that's gonna change? Nope. Our defense is and will always be under Frazier the equivalent to run, run pass and punt. We've been catching teams off guard early the last few years. Those days are over.
  11. Great the front office is gonna sit on their thumbs again.
  12. I drove truck through there until 2 years later and it still looked like it had just happened.
  13. ....and never will. An average fan could have coached a better Defensive game plan....ok Offensive too. How this staff cannot see these things really worries me. If I was one of those 3, I would have hauled ass out of town till the Senior Bowl or something. It would be like if I made a boneheaded mistake on a job that cost thousands to redo. Hell, as a Bills fan I'm extremely embarrassed. Having Heath jump on the grenade last year and immediately whacking the safeties coach this year just pisses me off even more. I give Dorsey another year to quit living vicariously through Josh, but Frazier's gotta go. My respect level is falling by the day.
  14. I agree with all this, but I still have to wonder.....If we would have beat Cincy and went to play K.C. at a neutral site, what would the narrative have been? Charity for the Bills? I still don't really understand the NFL's position. 5 years ago, the game would have went on....not saying it should have, just don't understand how they reasoned things going forward from that.
  15. And this is why they must move on from Frazier!
  16. I think McD is a better D.C. than Frazier and my gut feeling is that he tried to leave Leslie alone. Either way the coordinator will go first.
  17. He's cluless adios. I sure as hell ain't paying him 15 plus....nope hard pass. I d rather draft his replacement.
  18. I respectfully disagree....A.j. Klein is a much better LB and we would have been better off playing a 4-3 with him, but that's another argument.
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