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Everything posted by nosejob

  1. I heard McD in a presser saying exactly what I posted. What I heard lead me to believe he feels some innovation on D is in store...and I hope so. He mentioned the need to zig when they think you're zagging.
  2. I would not complain.
  3. Maybe this is a draft day decision. If the board goes haywire, maybe they have a plan
  4. Even though one might guess your name to be Richard, everything was true....or a very possible reality.
  5. I'm not ok with moving back. If a Chop or Darius, Nix or Pennix is still on the board, I might go back to 31...for a 3rd.
  6. I think he'll get better, maybe very good. McD said that he realizes the need to incorporate more man. He said we need to be able to adapt. I didn't know if I'd ever see this from him ever or not, but very encouraged.
  7. If this guy makes it to 20...hopefully 24-26, you have to take him and then start wheeling and dealing to get back in the WR game. I'm a no on Chop and Verse is long gone. I would love Sweat. How far will he fall? K.C getting him would make me ill.
  8. But if one were forced to choose, do you take Ladd, miss Legette and shoot for Walker/ Burton /Baker/Polk? Or get Leggette than maybe target a Pearsall? Ladd and Legette would a dream to me.
  9. I know where you stand on this, but in my gut BB is gonna produce 2 extra picks and look to stock the cupboard. And how is he gonna achieve that? It sure as Hell ain't gonna be by using late round picks. They wouldn't get us to 100. Trading back from 28 just to have something to move up from 60 with would not make much sense....to me. So it's gonna have to come from 25. And if next year we're supposed to have plenty of FA money, we should try to make hay in this draft.
  10. I'm for keeping 28 unless someone like Latu, Thomas or Murphy are there 24-28. But, I am all for trading next years 1st to maybe GB for 41 and 88....unless there's a better deal to be made. Point is we need 4 picks in the first 100 and our later picks can be used to jockey around if need be. We still have 2 2nds next year.
  11. I think Ladd would be the choice as they can see him coming right in and taking 70+ targets with no problem. Hopefully they then have a plan to get Legette.
  12. 2025 Picks be damned. We need pieces in place this year and it just so happens to be a good year to do it. For example: If somehow Murphy or Latu make it to 24, IDK if I can pass that, so that means throwing a 2025 1st, 26-32 pick and a 2nd in that area to get right back in the game. I'd turn that 1st into a 2nd and 3rd and that 2nd for a 3rd. I'm not worried. We can get a WR at 28 then whatever at 60 and sit on our thumbs for 68 more picks. Does anyone really think that's what will happen? Beane's gonna have an amazing draft!
  13. True, but I'd rather get the size and speed while the gettings there. I would love if they could land both, but if not, give me Legette and Pearsall.
  14. If Thomas is gone and he makes it to 24-26, we gotta make the move.
  15. How much of a difference to BTJ? Is it another Chase/Jefferson thing?
  16. Wild draft idea? Trade 2025 1st/2nd/3rd and move down 28 to 35 with AZ. for no.4 Then trade back a bit for a 2nd this year and 3rd next... Then again for a 3rd this year and 2nd next. Take BT. maybe 18 -20 Have 3 2nds and 1 3rd plus 2 of next years picks back. Basically getting to no. 4 with 1 1st and 7 spots. OMG 14 more days...
  17. It's kinda hard for me to really wrap my head around that list while seeing several names that could probably have asterisks if they had better QBs.
  18. Well one thing's for sure, and I'm betting it will happen is that...Beane has to at the very least, create a 3rd rd. pick. Late picks won't get us there and moving down into the 30s could kill the plan. He's gonna have to use a pick from next year.
  19. Yeah I think he's the one guy who can come in and take 70 targets like he's been here for a year already. However, I would love Ladd and Legette, which leads to question..Do you secure that monster 1st, then settle for a Pearsall?.....or take Ladd and hope to get a Coleman? I'm all for trading next year's 26-32 pick to a team like GB for 41 and 88.(they are just one of the teams with 2 2s and 2 3s). My hope would to be Ladd at 28 then maybe move 41 to 37 for Legette. Then I'm looking to lock down Sweat and willing to move to the mid 50s to get him. Btw Maason Smith at 88
  20. I'm not ready to toss him to the curb. The bigger question I have is why we can't play man against teams when we need to? After hearing a recent presser from McD, I believe we're gonna see some changes in defensive adaptation this year. Something I thought we might never see with McD.....although he's worlds better than Frazier.
  21. On the flipside of moving up that far, could Beane make 1 or even 2, trade backs for two 2s and two 3s? ....maybe settle around 20 for a Thomas or Latu? I think he would be brilliant to pull that off.
  22. The first thing that popped in my head when I read the bolded was...Ladd McConkey.
  23. Does catch rate matter in this?
  24. I'm just going on what a caller proposed. I suppose 28 for 35 could also be in the mix, but the point being....buying a premium pick while turning it into more picks in the 1st 100 for this year while recouping a 2nd and 3rd for next year...if need be. All for the actual cost of a 25-32 pick next year.
  25. A guy on OBL made a really cool what if scenario.... What if BB traded 2025 1st/2nd and 3rd to get to 4 with AZ. (we keep 28) AZ. would still have a 1st rd. pick later. What if BB then traded back ... probably twice, ( to 8-12 then maybe 12 to 20)) getting an extra 2nd and 3rd for this year and next. Gives us 2 1sts 2 2nds and a 3rd. not to mention regaining 2 for 25.
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