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Everything posted by k2mountain

  1. Dissenting opinion: Duff's on Sheridan is too saucy. Even when you order crispy, you get a soggy wing. Duff's at Eastern Hills Mall knows how to make a wing, and their menu has more options.
  2. The Buffalo News picked the Dolphins over the Bills, we know how that turned out. The Buffalo News picked the Jaguars over the Bills, that will turn out similarly. If will be a close game, but the Bills will prevail.
  3. Antibiotic resistance in society rears it's ugly head. Hearing loss sucks. Remember the sound of an adult's voice in any Peanuts TV episode (they sounded like a muffled trumpet)? That's what it sounds like. And the really frustrating part is I know I'm missing out on something important.
  4. I didn't follow Dad's advice. My MIL looked liked Ursula the Sea Witch. My Ex- now looks terrible. It was a 3 decades long transformation from pretty cheerleader into Ursula.
  5. Johnny was great, but what you probably miss more is that period in history. During that time, you could tell the crudest of jokes and be celebrated for it. The Night Show always went up to the line and sometimes crossed it. Think about it, those were the days Blazing Saddles was a big hit and socially acceptable.. try producing that movie today. These days, political correctness and thin skins have ruined comedy. That's why Jerry Seinfeld refuses to play at universities.
  6. When sizing up your girlfriend as marriage material, checkout the appearance of her mother, because that's what she's going to look like in a couple years.
  7. I can neither confirm nor deny, behind this user name is me, Doug Whaley. Sammy Watkins was a good pick.
  8. Yeah! And why is Pi 3.14 Where did they come up with that?
  9. I love it when the good Josh shows up to play. I'm optimistic now that the bad Josh is safely locked away in a closet never to be seen again. Dorsey's play calling will help keep the closet door closed. You can tell when Allen is hot.. he has a look in his eye. It's a look of steely confidence and competence. It's a much better look than the "hero ball/bad Josh" look. Yes. We are spoiled. After watching the Monday night games, I have also come to realize we are spoiled defensively by McDermott's D. The D is fun to watch, like the great 1990s D.
  10. Would this injury have happened on a grass field?
  11. Here's the omni-directional antenna that I use: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T25NFHK/ It's a name brand and it works well. I have it mounted inside the attic, but it can go outside as well.
  12. Kincaid: 5 targets, 4 receptions, 27 yards. He moved the chains when asked to. ...and who knows what kind blocking he was asked to do. He's doing well and has bigger days in the future. I'm satisfied.
  13. Gilbert Perreault. He came about when I started as a young sports fan. He played his entire career, 17 seasons for Buffalo, a tenure unheard of these days.
  14. AirBNB is going downhill. It gets sketchier and less reliable each day.
  15. Wow! You must have had to taken out a second mortgage to buy those meats. My understanding is that meat prices in Canada are sky high.
  16. I'm praying for Terrel Bernard to have a exceptional day as QB of the defense. That will be pivotal.
  17. I remember Bruce getting drafted. Who can't remember a number one overall draft pick? If I recall correctly, he wasn't a big baller during his first season or two, he was overweight and undisciplined. Then something clicked... he became a gym rat and got ripped. He also became a film room rat. That's when he began to dominate. I could be wrong, but that's my 38 year old memory.
  18. Many have mentioned podcast alternatives. I'm not so into it. Podcasts are so time consuming for the amount of information you get from them. I like to read, it is much more efficient. Too bad there is a dearth of good readings on the web.
  19. Has the line changed since Poyer went down? It seems to me to more of a Pick'em.
  20. I think Poyer has hit the wall. I'm glad the Bills didn't bite when he was looking for the big fat contract. It's telling that none of the 31 other teams in the league showed any interest in him. Rachel must be pissed.
  21. Yeah.. I can relate. I thought auto pay was on, but it wasn't. They kept calling to collect and I didn't recognize the number so I didn't answer. It went past due and dinged my FICO score. Real bummer.
  22. Gimmick was a bad choice of words.
  23. McDermott's accomplished defense versus McDaniel's gimmick offense ... the game is going to be epic. A real cage fight.
  24. Your link, if you sort it, lists Tua as #5 in the league.
  25. But will it matter? Tua is getting the ball out lightning quick.
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