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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I know. Jordan had a great supporting cast, but James does not? I don't get that argument. Actually, they both were on pretty good teams, with a second hall of famer (Pippen / Wade) and solid role players.
  2. Ah, ok. I don't get mixed up with any of that twittering stuff. I got enough noise in my life.
  3. No. I feel like I've missed something. I don't get the Tim Graham connection. I just changed the name because gringo starr was a short term little joke that felt flat after a decade. Plus, there's a band and skateboard company by the same name.
  4. I really did win the thing. That actually happened. Just saying. Thanks.
  5. He should take the counter offer and use the leftover money to pay somebody really talented and discreet to knock the everlovin' crap out of his ingrate B word daughter.
  6. Nice words from some cool people. The last thing I saw him in was Killing Them Softly. The movie got mixed reviews (I loved it). Gandolfini gave a pretty memorable performance of a hitman past his prime. The scenes he was in really shined. The guy had such a powerful presence. I could watch two hours of him eating a bowl of cereal.
  7. The valium is to dull that anxiety. It's not a pain killer--they give you a local anesthesia shot for that. You take the valium I think like 45 minutes before the procedure. It provides a nice mellow "I'm not worried about anything in the world" feeling. The procedure itself is not entirely comfortable, but it's over with so fast, it's like nothing. You'll be surprised how quickly you're out of there and back home. Then it's all about taking it easy with some movies and snacks for a couple days.
  8. Yup, and four games remaining... 9/6 at Costa Rica 9/10 HOME against Mexico 10/11 HOME against Jamaica 10/15 at Panama We're in good shape right now. I think the goal now should be qualifying in first place. That should mean a better draw for the group stage in Brazil next summer.
  9. Wow. Rest in peace. In my opinion, a truly great actor. One of the best of his generation.
  10. Probably describes the apartments of half the guys on here.
  11. It is a little sad to see it fade down the page. I had a lot of fun in that thread. A great big Thanks! to everyone who posted in there and made it a little haven of smartassery and foolishness. It helped me get through a bunch of otherwise boring days. Cheers!
  12. Youch. What a truly painful era of Buffalo sportsfanmanship this has been. Let the new era of WINNING begin.
  13. Yeah, you'll be fine to drive right after. They generally give you a valium to take before the procedure, so that's nice. Take that 2-3 days of rest seriously. Make arrangements for that to be your couch potato time. Nothing else. You'll regret it if you move around too much.
  14. They closed it because it's done. I had the last post. That's it. I win.
  15. Actually I did see that and was impressed. Clapton is hugely talented on the guitar. And Beck is endlessly inventive and weird in an entertaining way. I just feel like Clapton's body of recorded work is a terrible disappointment.
  16. The rooftop version of “Don’t Let Me Down” gives me chills.
  17. It's just all so goddamm wonderful, I almost can't hardly stand it.
  18. All of you may now be seated. The Hump Day ceremony is complete. Namaste. Peace be with you. Get the hell back to work.
  19. I think we're gradually coming to the consensus that the universal remedy for all of life's annoyances is SHIV THE MOFO! Dean, wherever you are, we salute your wisdom, your prescience, your bitterness.
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