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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Underrated: Can http://www.amazon.com/Ege-Bamyasi-Can/dp/B0000067X3
  2. If you enjoy celebrating the holidays, but are tired of the traditional customs and are curious about alternatives, just GoogletheKwanza.
  3. I listen to records on a turntable. I occasionally write a letter with a pen onto paper and mail it in an envelope with a stamp. I don't do any twittering and I don't belong to Facepants or Assbook or any of those high fallutin' social media jobs.
  4. Have a great one, Millbank. Happy Birthday!
  5. I've had a couple experiences with Home Depot that were so painful and frustrating, I will never set foot in that !@#$ing place again as long as I live. I'd try to recount my experiences, but I'm just not ready. Too painful.
  6. I think talent is becoming less of an issue. The core players are very solid: Tim Howard, Besler, Bradley, Donovan, Dempsey, Altidore. Competition is heating up to fill the remaining spots. The encouraging thing is how players are responding. A lot of guys on this B-squad for the Gold Cup are making things complicated (a good problem to have). Corona, Goodson, Holden, Diskerud, Beckerman, Eddie Johnson. Not to mention, the U.S. seems to always have a wealth of good goalkeepers. The only positions that worry me are the outside backs. Beasley has done well there lately, but I just don't trust him against top teams. And there are lingering questions about Cherundolo and Chandler on the other side. I just don't know who our best options are right now.
  7. They have dog people now? Damn these genetic scientists! Why can't they leave well enough alone?
  8. Wow, going back 35 years for the Man from Atlantis reference. Nice.
  9. That's a good girl! Happy Birthday, Chloe.
  10. Nice work, Beerball. And congratulations. Must be an awesome feeling. I can't really fathom it, but it appears you must have done something right.
  11. Happy belated B-day, Jboys! Hope you had a great weekend.
  12. Great game. They are just rolling against the middling CONCACAF teams. Honduras will be tougher on Wednesday. Hope they keep it going.
  13. Yes I do, because it has become a cruel mockery of what I had and lost.
  14. I'm pretty sure it was Jennifer Connely in that scene, not Ellen Burstyn. But maybe you've seen some director's cut that I'm not aware of.
  15. Yes. And people need to be more accomodating of breastfeeding. Too many people spend way too much of their lives walking around looking for the next thing to be offended by.
  16. Seems like the most beneficial trait to have in our times is lack of dignity.
  17. I understand. And I've already been punished for my previous insolence.
  18. I will refrain from trying to decipher the exact level of sarcasm in your comment and simply say thank you for your kindness.
  19. 1. I searched "hot teen facials" only because my niece is looking to get into a top cosmetology school. 2. I'm into "scatological" humor 3. Honestly, you can't look up anything asian without getting some porn in there.
  20. This is the most asinine thing I've seen since the last thing you posted (Florida baby-throwing shoplifter)
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