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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. In the movie, Fargo, when Wade Gustafson is fatally shot, what are his last words?
  2. Yeah, I thought he really did come back in. Glad for the clarification here.
  3. Yeah, that's an area where the depth is...not so much. Who got burned on that one?
  4. I'm only following online (and reading comments here), but a couple things thing stand out to me: Nice job getting positive yards in first down. That consistent four yards on first down makes the O flow. Awesome swarming D, aggressive and making it happen.
  5. 41 plays run for the Bills. Just the way coach wants it. A good sign.
  6. Great story! So happens that my best friend lives right next door to Rich Williams, guitarist for Kansas. He's a really nice guy. Kansas played last night in Atlanta and my friend had backstage passes. My friend lives in a townhouse, so he's just a wall away and he said he hears Rich practicing sometimes and my friend (who plays guitar too) says he's humbled by the stuff he just messes around playing.
  7. I drive a 1998 Honda Civic with a messed up driver side window that won't roll down and my a/c died about two weeks ago. It so happens also that I am a terrifically wonderful individual with a wealth of positive personality traits. Not sure how you social scientists wanna draw the correlation there or speculate as to the causal relationships, but, anecdotally, I thought it was of significant value to share that.
  8. What an awesome gif! I'm gonna save and use that one.
  9. Bills fans call for rookie QB Jeff Tuel to get 1st team reps in practice, preseason games.
  10. In my experience, Acura drivers are the biggest jerks around.
  11. Thanks! It's fun to work on these things (even though it's just a bunch of videos from my phone put together with Windows Moviemaker) but it's hard to find the time.
  12. That jetpack looks stupid and way too complicated. In the 70's we were all promised really cool jetpacks that just looked like backpacks. This is bullgugny!
  13. Man, he really can't keep his hands off that tushy. I don't blame him.
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