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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Wow, I just noticed that this game will be on regular TV here in Atlanta. This is a rare treat for me, to be able to watch the game in the comfort of my own home.
  2. Another great Halloween album is Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds' Murder Ballads
  3. Mead is awesome! Have a truly great Birthday, sir!
  4. Wow! That's the exact song that popped in my head when I saw the subject line. I just recently picked up a vinyl re-issue of Roky's classic album, The Evil One. The whole record plays like an awesome Halloween soundtrack. The poor guy is not kidding when he talks about demons and monsters.
  5. I caught the first song. I'm not a fan of her music, but there is something very sexy about her.
  6. Ahhh... I didn't watch the game, but I'm very happy for him. Very good finish.
  7. Whoa! A hero of mine. You'll be missed. A true American original.
  8. I'm kind of out of touch with the Premiership lately. I know RVP had gone to ManU, but I wasn't aware of all that drama. Podolski is a player I know and really respect. I mostly know him from watching him with the German NT. I think I gotta start watching some more EPL and CL games again. And I want to take a look at this Gedion Zelalem guy. With a 2 year old, I don't watch as much tv as I used to. EDIT: And yes, I'd also really enjoy ManU missing the CL. Seems unlikely though. Although, a quick look at the current table shows Arsenal tied for first and ManU in at #8, so it could happen.
  9. I don't have a favorite English club team, but I find myself rooting for Arsenal whenever I see them. I don't know much about their history, but they seem cool. They're famous for playing an entertaining, positive style. Also, they've had some of my favorite attacking players in recent history, like Thierry Henry, Robin Van Persie, Cesc Fabregas.
  10. I usually find the superbowl an anticlimax. If you aren't rooting for one of the teams, all the hype and commerical bs that surrounds it can be pretty nauseating. The conference championship games--that's the last true week of football. The superbowl is more event than football. (Of course, if the Bills are in it, you can take all that crap I just said and throw it out the window.)
  11. I love soccer. The Bills remain my #1 sports obsession, but soccer is what I enjoy watching the most. However, I cringe every time I hear another story about how fast soccer is growing in this country. I cringe because I know it sounds desperate and cheesy. It makes soccer sound self-conscious and too eager for attention. Like how someone from Rochester (me included) gets excited whenever their city gets mentioned on a national stage. I think it mostly does a disservice to the game as it further fuels anti-soccer sentiment.
  12. November 15 is a big soccer day. The U.S. vs. Scotland friendly is not crucial for either side, but should be entertaining. But that's also the day a lot of the WC qualifying "playoffs" start. Lots of nations of the fringe have to play head to head two game (home and away) contests for the final spots. And Nov. 15 is the day for the first legs of these playoffs... Mexico vs. New Zealand Sweden vs. Portugal France vs. Ukraine Greece vs. Romania Iceland vs. Croatia
  13. I'm a soccer fan and I don't really care if the game gets huge in this country. I'm very happy with the level of popularity it's at right now. I have a great selection of games to watch on tv. I'm mostly excited that the U.S. National team is making strides. I have no interest in trying to convert anyone. EDIT: it is surprising though how any sports fan wouldn't have at least a casual curiosity about Lionel Messi, one of the most crazy-talented athletes of all time.
  14. Wake me when they induct Zamfir, master of the pan flute. Over 40 million recordings sold. ∴ Genius!
  15. Crazy, crazy finish to qualifying. It didn't really matter the result for the U.S. last night against Panama, but they scored two "WTF?!" goals right at the end of extra time to save Mexico's lucky ass and to absolutely tear the hearts out of the Panamanian people in their home stadium. USA wins 3-2 after trailing all the way. Mexico gets the final (conditional) CONCACAF spot (they have to beat New Zealand in a playoff to make it to the WC) and Panama misses out. I just can't get over how lucky Mexico is. They won only two games out of ten in the Hex. October 15 should forever be remembered as Graham Zusi Day in Mexico.
  16. I agree, it was a bs call. I felt, at the time, that the refs felt they had to call one on the Bills because they had already called a couple soft ones against the Bengals. The officiating was not great in this one. I don't think it skewed one way or the other, just poor officiating overall.
  17. Could you imagine? I'd have to experience the heartbreak of having to disown my baby daughter. Seriously, I would wrap her up and put her on a raft down the Chattahoochie River. I can't have that kind of evil in my house.
  18. I think she's kinda sexy in a Michelle Rodgriquez sort of way. Hit it, but just don't hang around because she looks like she wants to mess up your life. Stick & move, stick & move.
  19. Yeah, that's a really good question. I really can't imagine not being involved in the life of a tiny person that I made. But then again, a lot of guys go that way, including my own biological father, so maybe it's not so unusual. I'll keep my feelings about it to myself, except to share a favorite movie quote...Helen Ramirez from High Noon: "It takes more than big broad shoulders to make a man..."
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