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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Second best thing to faking your own death: Having family and fans keep the rumor alive 30 years after you're gone. I think Andy would have approved of this. Well done.
  2. Ok, I'll ask one more time. I promise I'll never ask this again on this website: Why was Flutie somehow a cancer or a backstabbing midget or a negative influence in the locker room. Regardless of the quality of his play, why do some fans hold such a grudge against the guy? If I had to pick a Bills QB to hate in the post Kelly era, I could name about 8 guys above Flutie.
  3. I actually thought Rob did ok in that Titans game, even though I wanted Flutie instead. Rob took a vicious beating all day and hung in there enough to engineer that last one shoe-floppy sock drive that should have won it. Rob's stat line looked bad, but the Titans D was relentless. I'm not sure any QB could have put up good numbers in that one. My frustration with Rob Johnson really blossomed the following year.
  4. Whose back did he stab? Please tell me. It might be true, but I've never heard anyone back up that statement. Please edify. I will grant that Flutie was fading that second year, although I think you're exaggerating a bit. I don't know what the outcome of that Tenn game would have been with Flutie, but I still say it was a mistake to go with Rob. Even Wade eventually came out and said he wanted Flutie for that one, but that his hand was forced. Anyway, the part that still confuses me is the stuff about how Flutie was a cancer, a backstabbing midget, etc... I'm still waiting for someone to tell me the reasons for having that impression.
  5. Well...yeah, he got hit and lost the ball, right at the end of the game. It sucked. Flutie lost the ball and the Bills lost the game. I don't see how that makes the guy a lousy QB or a bad person. He also made a bunch of great plays that year and the following year. Andre Reed is *will be in the hall of fame, but he made some crappy plays too. He had some crucial drops in that first super bowl that killed drives. Doesn't make him a bust. *EDIT
  6. I'm not deflecting any blame from anyone. Flutie did well as the Bills QB. Certainly a better win/loss record than anyone else since--not even close. I simply asked what is the reason for hating the guy. I still haven't heard any evidence that he was a bad guy. I'm a fan of his because he played with a ton of heart and seemed to bring out the best in his teammates. Those couple years were fun for me as a Bills fan. It's been kind of miserable since that time.
  7. Some fans still carry around this idea that Flutie was a cancer of some kind. I've asked many many times for a single example of this or any evidence at all that Flutie was a negative influence on the team. I've never received an answer to this. I'm not saying it isn't true. I don't know. I'm just asking. Is there any indication that other Bills players disliked Flutie (besides Rob Johnson)? From my point of view, as a fan, I saw Flute win a bunch of games. He reinvigorated a stale franchise and led the team to two consecutive playoff appearances. I've never understood the hatred for Flutie that many fans have. Please, enlighten me.
  8. Absolutely true. One point about coats and carseats though: It's considered unsafe to put a little one in a carseat with a puffy coat on. So there may be times when you really do want to warm up the car before loading the kid because you have to take the thick coat off when you snap them into the carseat.
  9. I have a two year old and I'm very conscious of stuff like this. I definitely would never get in the car and leave her standing in the road. Never. If I want to warm up the car, I leave the little one inside (the apartment) while I do it. Some people would say I'm overly cautious, but the way I look at it, there are enough dangers in the world--the things I can control I will.
  10. Favorite fan sign of all time: There's something missing in BUFFAL
  11. I'm not a draft guru guy, so I can't name names. I would say there is room on this roster for a game changer at most positions still, outside of Center, DT, MLB. I don't think it's time to hit the panic button just yet and go with another first round QB. To the other point, it's never time to "tank it." You play to win. Period.
  12. Wow, that's incredibly disturbing. I hope this gets some attention and this poor guy makes out with a boatload of cash.
  13. I imagine he fancies himself some kind of important artist for challenging people on the complicated issue of race. Really, he's just a careerist dick. More importantly, he's an unfunny, crappy, no-talent hack comedian.
  14. Please, do not discontinue. The little one takes no offense. She understands and appreciates that the word has limitless connotations reflecting the rich and ridiculous tapestry of human foolishness.
  15. I'll have to check it out. I don't know that one. I recently listened to some of my favorites, The Blue Mask, Transformer, Berlin, the Live NY 1972.
  16. I love Lou Reed--the VU stuff and his solo records. Even his bad songs are interesting. I like listening to his albums as albums. Never gets old.
  17. Thanks! My little girl is the inspiration. When she was in an infant, i started calling her Kooky (fits her personality, believe me) and it evolved somehow into Kooky Labanza and then finally to Cugalabanza. LAMKP Warning:
  18. Haven't heard anything yet. His body language and teamates' reactions ddidn't look good though.
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