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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Many roster questions still up in the air for Klinsmann. This one will be on ESPN2 on Wed. 3/5 at 2pm ET.
  2. I'll risk the trademark infringement (and the warning point) to say this: You are an idiot.
  3. So sorry to hear this. Westside, thank you for the excellent advice about loving those close to us while we can. It's always good to be reminded of this. I wish the best for you. It won't always be as hard as it is right now.
  4. What?! What the hell--why are you yelling at me? Oh wait, nevermind.
  5. Left my car in a little cul-de-sac off a main road. Only about 2 inches fell. The absurdity of the situation was seeing other people walking, with briefcases and work shoes, obviously desperate to get home and then other people who were home already just casually enjoying the rare snowy day, walking their dogs, kids having snowball fights. Conditions not really extreme at all (especially by WNY standards) but the city of Atlanta is extremely unable to handle it. Very frustrating. I'm grateful to home safe with my family. Others had it worse than me.
  6. I left my office at 12:45, drove for 4.5 hours to get about 8 miles. Finally I left my car and walked the remaining 4 miles home. Then I walked another 1.5 miles to my dsughter's daycare and back. The hard part was carrying my little girl home. Finally home safe at 7:45. !@#$ed up day. I saw a lot of frustrated people today. Sliding on ice and unable to make it up not very steep hills. Leaving my car was the best thing. Saved me a few hours of anguish.
  7. Nobody else is with me on Wreck It Ralph? It was pretty great I thought.
  8. Big deal. All my fingers point away from my body.
  9. I agree with you. My daughter is currently obsessed with underwater stuff. And she's now able to sit through a whole movie, so it will be fun to take her to the Dory thing. The best recent Disney movie was Wreck It Ralph. I think that one is pretty damn good. Fun for adults too. My little girl now likes to ask people, "Hey, are you a hobo?" because that's a line from the movie.
  10. From what I've read, it's hard to find a sympathetic character in this story. Arod: proven liar, egomaniac, cheater MLB: inconsistent at best in their treatment of PED's, shady (purchasing evidence from a thief with a briefcase full of cash), self-serving I don't know what he arbitrater was thinking. I don't see any precedent or justification for the 211 games or the 162 games that they pulled out of a hat. I think Arod's lawyers will be able to make a good case in court. Of course, he is guilty of cheating--it's just the whole thing was handled poorly.
  11. I'm mildly interested in the James Bond and the Finding Dory (for my daughter). The rest all look pretty lame.
  12. who famously said, "if loving Gugny is wrong, I don't wanna be
  13. Roma has a crazy wealth of midfielders. Maybe Bradley is not quite at the level of those guys, I can't say--I don't see much Serie A. But he's pretty damn good. He's probably the best USA player and the most important to their 2014 WC. I think it's good that he'll get regular playing time. And it's not my money, so I don't care if MLS is overpaying him. I see it as an investment in the continued growth and credibility of MLS and so not necessarily a true measure of Bradley's worth. That's ok with me.
  14. http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/soccer/SBNation_20140108_Michael_Bradley_s_transfer_to_MLS_from_AS_Roma_appears_to_be_all_but_complete.html This is amazing to me. I think it's great for MLS. And Bradley will be getting $6.5M/year.
  15. One dipschitt in prison, another dipschitt removed from existence. I’ve decided to start viewing these crazy trash stories in a positive light.
  16. Jeter will get in easy I think. He's been the heart of the team for a long time. Also, his defense has been great. Doesn't he have a bunch of golden gloves?
  17. Have a great birthday, you magnificent son of a B word!
  18. Hey Bill. I hope you have a great, fun Birthday!
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