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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I'm still pretty worked up about it too. The concern I have now is for the morale of the remaining 23. I think it's important that they believe strongly in each other and the group. We need a Herb Brooks / Lake Placid type of brotherhood feeling about this team. They need to fight for each other. I hope that Klinsmann doesn't have guys just scratching their heads with his odd decisions lately. Goodson was another very surprising omission for me. I don't have a feel for the vibe in camp. I just hope it's good. I'm really curious to watch tonight. I have no idea what the lineup will be. Some guys, (Cameron, Bedoya, F. Johnson, Chandler) it's hard to predict even what position they will play.
  2. I'm embarrassed to admit that I have not seen Schindler's List. I will see it as soon as I can. Film lovers everywhere, please accept my apology.
  3. Karate Kid is the best around. Nothin's ever gonna keep it down.
  4. it's entirely possible. My gf used to be a waitress/bartender at a top strip club. It's surprising which of the strippers are successful. Many of the most beautiful girls did not do so well. Personality and salesmanship go along way. If a girl is good at identifying where the good money is and then making those guys feel like she actually cares about them, she will make boatloads. Although usually it's the ones with the huge torpedo fake cans that cash in big because the average strip club regular is senseless moron.
  5. Yes, he is. By the way, the first warm-up Friendly is tonight, against Azerbaijan. 10pm on ESPN2.
  6. That group (D) will be interesting. England, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Italy. I have no doubt Italy will advance, but how the rest plays out...I'm curious. Costa Rica is capable of surprising somebody.
  7. I love the response from Brad Evans to being cut... http://ftw.usatoday....rad-evans-tweet Yes! Anyone who is willing to talk soccer is welcome. There are so few of us. If I were Portuguese, would I be Cugalabanho?
  8. Yes, I understand this, but the kid's tweet is not evidence of anything that I can see except that he's a little ****.
  9. Kid seems like a little ****. Can't even spell Donovan right. I don't know what this is supposed to evidence of.
  10. I'm willing to give benefit of the doubt and accept that it's performance based. Donovan himself has spoken recently about how his body is not performing the same way as when he was younger. In the recent Mexico game, he was visibly heavier. Still, it's a huge surprise to me. What's this about Klinsmann's son's twitter? I'm not familiar.
  11. Congratulations, CgF! Cheers to you and your family!
  12. Ok, but I'm not letting him perform the procedure to remove it.
  13. I'm sorry, Rubes. I went through this a couple years ago with my 16 year old dog. It's a kind thing you're doing. Dogs are so great! Seems cruel they can't stay with us longer.
  14. That was great to watch. I'm excited to root for this guy.
  15. Wait, you could "deliver a penetrating through-ball." Or "find the back of the ol' onion bag." Or "schedule a friendly." Aw, dammit you're right--it does suck.
  16. I always liked Stevie, but I see how this was inevitable. I hope he does well in San Fran and that conditional pick turns into a third rounder for the Bills.
  17. So we're talking about eighths of inches now in height? Is it me or does it seem unnecessary to say one guy is a slice of cheese taller than another guy?
  18. I would do anything for love, but I won't do scat.
  19. Gug's not around? What happened to him? His wife is super hot by the way.
  20. It has nothing to do with the issue of free speech. He spoke and he's still free. The NBA is also free and they said we don't want to be affiliated with you anymore. It's not about free speech--it's about biting the hand that feeds you. You can call your boss a dick if you want to. You have that freedom. But when he fires you for it, don't say free speech is dead.
  21. Free speech isn't dead at all. Free speech never meant you could say whatever you want and nobody can get upset about it.
  22. I agree. This is not even a free speech issue. It’s a “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” issue. I have zero sympathy for a jackass who pisses away a good thing and is still left standing as a free and wealthy man.
  23. Maybe it taught you how to swim, but it certainly didn't teach you to stop crying.
  24. We occasionally get green anoles here on our patio in Georgia. I like seeing them. Lizards fascinate me. I do what I can to keep our cat away from them.
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