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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Yeah, sorry for the cumbersome post. I like movies.
  2. I hope Ronaldo does play. If the U.S. is able to make it out of the group, I don't want there to be any excuses. This witch doctor guy needs some serious psychiatric help...and a shirt.
  3. Ok, this kept popping up in my head, so I had to come up with a partial list of favorites, in no particular order: Third Man Rosemary's Baby Box of Moonlight High Noon Wreck It Ralph Amelie Night of the Living Dead Return of the Living Dead Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf Eyes Without a Face Annie Hall Crimes and Misdemeanors Broadway Danny Rose Manhattan Murder Mystery Hannah and her Sisters Glengarry Glen Ross Ferris Beuller's Day Off La Strada Nosferatu (1979) Hugo Pool Memento Pulp Fiction A Tale of Two Sisters Wild Strawberries It's a Wonderful Life Seven Samurai Sean of the Dead Rear Window Strangers on a Train Notorious Dial M for Murder The 39 Steps The Hangover 12 Angry Men The Godfather Airplane Gaslight Poltergeist Roman Holiday The Shining Broken Flowers Down by Law Short Cuts McCabe and Mrs. Miller Cache Election Sideways Blue Velvet Lost Highway Mullholland Drive Young Frankenstein Harold & Maude Dancer in the Dark Three Amigos The Jerk Murder on the Orient Express Office Space And Then There Were None There's Something About Mary Solaris Fight Club The Celebration The Science of Sleep Life is Beautiful Dumb & Dumber Three Colors: Red Planes Trains & Automobiles National Lampoon's Vacation Tommy Boy To Kill a Mockingbird Groundhog Day Goodfellas Caddyshack Little Miss Sunshine Ghost World Blood Simple Fargo The Big Lebowski Bottle Rocket Rushmore The Royal Tenenbaums Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou The Grand Budapest Hotel Casablanca Bucket of Blood Animal House Tree's Lounge
  4. Yeah, I know he had a very disappointing season at Sunderland. I was just judging based on what I saw in the Turkey game. I really think he will find it. I bet he gets a goal on Saturday against Nigeria.
  5. Actually, I think he looks pretty strong. Just missing that final touch to get the goal. In the Turkey game, he worked extremely hard, holding the ball with his back to goal. He muscled the defenders and gave them fits. Making some nice passes and moves on his own too. He also did some good stuff as the first defender (i.e., "forechecking" for the non-soccer fan). Turkey's coach gave Jozy special props--said Turkey's backs had a very hard time handling him. I've occasionally been disappointed with Jozy in the past when he has seemed uninspired, but I think he's in good form now. Once he breaks the seal, the goals will come in bunches. I agree with you on the back line though. I'm a little worried. I can only hope they get it together very quickly.
  6. I liked Bradley's recent comments about his positioning and the diamond formation. He said too much gets made of it all. He sees his job as making good things happen in the middle of the field, whether it's "scoring goals, setting up goals, winning tackles, intercepting balls..." linky poo: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/03/sports/soccer/jurgen-klinsmann-gambles-on-michael-bradleys-scoring-prowess-for-us-soccer.html?_r=0
  7. I hear a lot about how Porgugal is FIFA ranked #3 in the world currently. But I haven't heard anyone seriously make the case that they are a top contender to win the WC. Brazil, Germany, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Italy all have a better shot. I'd even pick the Netherlands and Chile over Portugal. They're still a very good team and unquestionably a favorite against the U.S., but not among the true contenders.
  8. I think they're just being cautious with Ronaldo. He'll play.
  9. Good stuff! I agree especially about Chandler. I read some stuff online trying to say that Chandler was ok. Not the case! He looked lost. I don't know what his problem is. We've been hanging hopes on Chandler for a long time and he just never lives up. I guess it will be Beasley on the left side. If it were up to me, I'd have Fabian Johnson move to the left (his natural side anyway). And, !@#$ it, I'd put Yedlin on the right side. I'm coming around on Yedlin. And he's tough as ****--we need a little muscle back there. In the middle, probably Besler and Cameron give us the best chance. Brooks is close to breaking in there, but I feel he needs a little more time.
  10. Today's Turkey game showed some progress, but still some troubling stuff. Tim Chandler was very disappointing to me. I guess Beasley will still be our best option at LB. This worries me. The back line still looks unresolved. I think it's mostly a matter of bad timing. Unfortunately the promising young guys (Brooks and Yedlin) are just a touch too young. We're left with a patchwork of guys playing in spots they're not 100% used to (F. Johnson & Cameron). They'll have to dig in hard to be good enough against Ghana, Portunaldo & Germany. I liked the work from Altidore today. He gave Turkey's back line fits. I think it's just bad luck he did not get the goal. I have a feeling he will break out of his slump at a very good time. He's doing everything right. Man, I like Diskerud's touch. He has a very positive (Stu Holden-like) effect on the game when he's out there. I think he could be valuable as a late sub in one or more of the WC games .
  11. I think it looks slower simply because you are watching top club teams at their peak. As a result, they are supremely organized. Everyone knows his role and the positioning and overlapping are seamless. For the USMNT, there is some "scrambling" going on out there to try to cover the real estate. However, I have to say that the pace of the Azerbaijan game was quite slow compared to what we'll see in Brazil. Some of this perceived difference is an illusion I think. The top teams kind of "make it look easy" while the speed of play (and thought) is actually really very fast.
  12. I can't pick an all-time favorite movie. Too many great ones. But I can say that my favorite move from this year so far is Grand Budapest Hotel.
  13. I think one part about this that rubs me the wrong way is how ultimately fruitless the actual task is. Sisyphean. Purely punitive. Why not say clean out the basement or do yard work for the old lady neighbor? I think it's important for a person to learn that work has intrinsic value. This fear-based stuff isn't doing it for me. Doesn't make me pussified. My daughter is only three, but she's a well behaved little kid. She is very aware that actions have consequences. When she gets older, she's gonna do her homework and chores--I can guarantee that. And as she grows up, she will know the value of self-reliance. She will not be another entitled little ****. I happen to know I can see that this happens without having to resort to drill sargeant tactics. I play bad cop when necessary, but I don't have to go to the point of treating her like an enemy combatant. EDIT: But again I will repeat...I don't see (from what's in the artice) that this should be a police matter.
  14. This one is 4'2". Making him walk miles with a 23 lb. brick on his back seems bizarre to me. I think what you gain in making the point about discipline and work is outweighed by creating this drill sargeant / grunt relationship with your kid. I think a kid would have to be a pretty hardass case for this kind of punishment to be required. Maybe this one is, I don't know. But, my opinion is that the vast majority of kids don't need to be "broken" in order to teach these lessons. And yes, I understand that a parent is not the same thing as a friend. I know the value of parental authority and how and when it should be wielded. Again, I don't agree that this should necessarily be a police matter. I just think it's kind of !@#$ed up to treat your child this way. My philosophy of raising a child is a little different.
  15. Dissenting opinion: I think it's !@#$ed up to treat your kid this way. I don't necessarily think it should be illegal, but If I found out one of my friends was doing this to his son, I'd tell him: that's some weird !@#$ed up drill sargeant BS to do to your kid. I believe in discipline and hard work and respecting your elders and all that, but this is some weird degrading stuff. That's my take.
  16. I think a competing beer brand should do a twist on this called "What would it take for you to drink a Coors Light?" I'll star in the first commercial. I'll agree to drink a Coors Light if I get to have a threesome with two young, hot, stupid Coors Light drinking girls.
  17. Yes to both girls. And I might just have a chance because from what I can tell from their taste in beer, they're not exactly what you'd call discerning.
  18. Hey hey now, let's not pick on a guy just because he has a little bit of a weight problem
  19. Last night's game didn't inspire a whole lotta confidence, but I'm trying to remain optimistic. My question is will this group come together in a way that is more that the sum of its parts? They need that special extra ingredient to raise their game, like they did in 2002 when they upset Porgugal and nearly shocked Germany too (they arguably outplayed Germany that day). Something about this current roster just feels...unsettled. I think they will get it together in time and show something great, but it's high anxiety time right now.
  20. I agree about Bradley. I've never seen him turn the ball over so much. His passing was crap. I'm not really worried about him going forward though. He will be sharp when it counts. I think we learned a little more about the back line. Besler will start--that's a lock. I think for the spot next to him, Cameron is ahead of Gonzalez, who has looked foolish lately. Fabian Johnson I feel good about on the right side. On the left, I think everyone is hoping for Chandler to take the spot away from Beasley. Beasley, god bless him for all he's done, but he's just going to be a liability against top competition. Chandler looked ok last night but I want to see more. Loved seeing Diskerud and Johannsson do well. Those guys both bring exciting positive creativity. I think they will both see some minutes in the real games. Overall, a pretty blah effort. I think there were some heavy legs as a result of hard training in camp.
  21. Supposedly, they were in warm-ups this morning with this lineup: --------------------Altidore----------------- Bedoya-----------Dempsey-----------Zusi -------------Bradley--------Jones------------ Beasley---Cameron---Besler---F.Johnson -------------------Howard------------------- Probably this or close to it to start tonight’s game. Lots of subs to follow though.
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