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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Damn, I have to tune out now. Recording the game to watch later.
  2. Well, first you have to go through the alligator forest and then you have to solve the grumpy old troll's riddle. Oh wait, sorry. I have a three year old daughter. I've been watching way too much Dora.
  3. Like I said: Neymar has skills, but he's a douchehole.
  4. Synecdoche, NY P.S. Hoffman is outstanding. He's so good at suffering on screen and this is him at his best.
  5. Strange that both of these movies use similar techniques of shooting in feaux-"aged" black and white to match with old footage. But I agree--they're both good movies.
  6. Yeah, I cannot believe that Spain had both CL final teams and neither was Barcelona. I didn't watch an yla liga this year. I can only judge Neimar from the few times I've seen him play with the Brazil NT. My impressions up to this point are: speed - CHECK first touch - CHECK finishing instinct - CHECK cocky striker egomaniacal diva attitude - CHECK He also seems like a huge douche-hole, but I don't think that will prevent him from scoring a bunch of goals in the WC.
  7. What? I can see maybe how he's overhyped, but he legitimately has crazy skills. He will be a golden boot contender.
  8. It starts tomorrow! It starts tomorrow! :w00t:
  9. Ghana looked pretty scary yesterday taking apart S.Korea 4-0.
  10. Absolutely! If that happens again, I'm gonna go flip-ass crazy.
  11. Nice one! We're not killing people--we're destroying demons.
  12. What's your favorite little gem of a movie that is unsung, unheard of or underappreciated? I'm gonna go with Box of Moonlight http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115738/
  13. The Spain vs. Netherlands game this Friday is one to watch. It's a rematch of the 2010 WC final. Also, it's two of the most fun teams to watch.
  14. I promise I will only hate you on June 22. All other days I think you're alright.
  15. I'm really excited. Here's one way I can guarantee that this WC will be better than the last: No !@#$ing vuvuzelas! I like to root for the Netherlands. They usually play an exciting, attacking game which is fun to watch. I find myself rooting for the nations that play the beautiful game and don't resort to diving and faking injuries and packing everyone into their own box to grind out scoreless draws.
  16. Hey, England, welcome to CONCACAF. http://www.espnfc.us/england/story/1868060/steven-gerrard-frustrated-by-refphysical-play They have Costa Rica in their group (in addition to Italy and Uruguay). I like Gerrard, but his whining will get stale when they don't advance.
  17. Pretty good showing. Interesting to see the "double destroyer" formation with Jones and Beckerman. I like it. All the starters did well, but I especially loved the game from Altidore, Bradley, Jones & Cameron. I'm so excited for the WC, I can taste it.
  18. I liked it a lot too. Pretty much everything the Coen Bros. have done is great. The one exception being Intolerable Cruelty in my opinion.
  19. I just realized I spelled Coen wrong. Oh jeez.
  20. I almost included that one on my list. I put a few Cohn Bros. films on there--Barton Fink was the next in line. John Mahoney is genius as the soused old writer.
  21. I have seen The General and M, but it's been a very long time. I enjoyed them both, but I don't remember them very well. I might go back and revisit some of these very old classics.
  22. Sociopaths have always been the most dangerous people.
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