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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Yeah, I understand. I know I'm not in the majority. I guess I don't suffer enough as a Bills fan. I needed that extra loveable loser team to latch onto. There must be some previous life bad stuff that I need to atone for.
  2. I hear ya. I might get drawn and quartered for saying so, but this is much much bigger for me than a Bills Sunday. And that's coming from someone who has watched every Bills game since about 1982*. Today's game is like a Bills superbowl for me. EDIT: *with the occasional blacked out game that I listened to on the radio
  3. Oh good, politics in the WC thread.
  4. I've caught myself using "stojan" in my regular non-TBD life. And when people ask what I'm talking about, I just sort of play it like it's something they should know and I'm not going to explain it.
  5. Just wow. Portugal down a man and 3-0 to start the second half.
  6. And now a red card for Pepe? Wow! I'm just following updates online, not watching. But wow!
  7. Man, I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself. I'm gonna have to record the game and watch it around 9pm. Turning my phone off and putting blinders on. I don't know how I'm gonna be able to wait that long. Beat Ghana!
  8. It's true. Zeppelin stole tons of stuff. They pillaged Willie Dixon's entire catalogue. The guitar part in You're Time is Gonna Come is taken straight from Traffic's "Dear Mr. Fantasy." Robert Plant even apparently took this shirt from a little girl for the famous The Song Remains the Same performances...
  9. Blah blah blah...I don't like soccer so neither should you. Blah blah blah, here's my list of reasons, blah blah blah. Blah blah blah Good Christ! This same !@#$ing go-nowhere debate comes up every single time. It baffles me why anyone would waste time and breath trying to explain to someone who enjoys something why they should not enjoy it.
  10. That's a really good one, but mine's pretty good too, Box of Moonlight.
  11. Rather an incendiary fixture, this one.
  12. 1-1 This ENG v. ITA game is a classic already and it's not half over.
  13. Wow. Go CONCACAF! Showing well so far.
  14. Please, god, no! As someone who really loves the sport of soccer (not just a fan of other popular U.S. Sports who wishes soccer to more closely resemble other major U.S. Sports), please do not get started with instant replay. Yeah, he is world class, no doubt. And his touch+vision...genius. I think that Spain is not cooked just yet. They showed up lazy and now they have their wake up call. They will bounce back and go deep in this tournament. The thing I take from this game is shame on all the analysts for not taking Netherlsnds seriously before now.
  15. That's really all you need to say. Some other people enjoy it a great deal.
  16. I honestly don't know who you're referring to here. Bale? Ibrahimovich?
  17. Yeah, Mexico was by far the better team, but Cameroon had some good chances.
  18. Yes, that's today's DVR SPECIAL for me.
  19. I'm in! Yup, same field for USA on Monday.
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