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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I think somebody should make me a !@#$ing toasted sandwich!
  2. Why are you always poo pooing on my dreams?
  3. Aw, hell. I didn't mean to come off angry. I love you, Gugny, you magnificent bastard!
  4. You forgot a choice for TOASTED SANDWICHES. (I like toasted sandwiches) Dick I'm sorry. The US lost today and I'm just kind of upset. If you weren't such a dick, things could have played out differently. Also, I'm drunk.
  5. Damn. Hurts. Good heart at the end, but not enough skill and/or faith in the first 110 minutes or so. Sick game from Howard wasted. Turning now to the brotherhood of the grape to soften the blow. Cheers to Deandre Yedlin and Julian Green!! And (!@#$ it) to DeMarcus Beasley! He was great today. And of course to Tim Howard. Stone cold genius of a baddassss goaltender!
  6. Lineup announced: No Jozy, no Beckerman. Geoff Cameron in the midfield, not sure where he'll play exactly. Both Zusi and Bedoya on the wings. Bradley and Jones in the middle. Dempsey alone up top. Same back line as last we saw against Germany: Johnson, Gonzalez, Besler, Beasley.
  7. All the knockout games have been won by the group winners so far. USA has to be the only #2 to advance to the quarters.
  8. I'm doing the same thing. It's always difficult.
  9. That's what I thought when I saw it live. But the slo-mo replay showed that it should not have been called. Robben's dive/acting was very persuasive.
  10. I was rooting for Mexico. What a heartbreaker! I work with a girl from Mexico--she's in shock about it. Would have been an unbelievable moment if they could have held on for another few minutes.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Be proud that you made a great life for your Maisy.
  12. Yedlin has been great in his time out there. He's like a Tasmanian devil. He had one awesome play in the Germany game where he sprinted about 30 yards to where the German player had the ball along the sideline. Yedlin simply took the ball away and proceeded up the field with it.
  13. A cool guy too, as far as I can tell.
  14. I essentially agree with what he's saying in his rambling across several topics. But his anger gets the best of him and makes him come off a bit like the angry old guy. I still like him though. For the record, I've never gone off on a drunken angry rant about n*****s or f***ing j***s. And I get drunk a lot. And I get angry a lot.
  15. I like watching soccer more than any other sport. American football is a very close second. I won't try to make an argument because that's stupid. Soccer just has a drama and a flow that is unique and I enjoy it very much. I'm not wishing for anything. I love the game of soccer just the way it is. I don't really care if it grows or not, as long as I keep getting to watch it on TV. I don't care if other people like it. I don't care what the level of popularity is. I just actually enjoy it. I'm not on a campaign about it. Yes.
  16. Wow, glad she's ok. Says something about how safe cars are made now. There are some true scumbags in this world. Leaving the scene of an accident, simply inexcusable.
  17. I took off June 26 months ago, as soon as the WC schedule came out.
  18. I agree. I like how the "lost point" for soccer draws creates the incentive to play to win. The current NHL OT does the opposite. It creates an "extra point" that doesn't really seem right to me.
  19. In the unlikely even that Portugal wins AND makes up the 5 goal difference, it will come down to...a coin toss! Wow.
  20. If USA loses to Germany by 2 and Ghana wins, then the US is out. Or if USA loses by 1 and Ghana wins by 2...
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