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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I have ancestry from both these nations. However, I think both artists mentioned are some whack-ass garbage. The best thing Hasselhoff ever did was try and fail to eat a cheeseburger drunk on youtube. Garth Brooks hasn't done anything that good yet.
  2. I would never have guessed that 10% of the people in Ireland are Garth Brooks fans. That's really weird to me.
  3. I like much of the vintage Pink Floyd stuff. This new thing sounds like a hot ripe turd to me. Some noodly reworkings of outtakes from the Division Bell? Ambient...instrumental...? No thanks. The title, "The Endless River" sounds like it was named after their marketing strategy.
  4. Wow! Shameful performance from Brazil. No excuse for giving up like that. They'll be eating **** for this game for the rest of their lives. I predicted that Brazil would win today because I though circumstances would force them to play with intelligence and heart. Holy ****, was I wrong! Actually, I'm kind of glad they got exposed like this. They entirely deserved this result today. The stink of death is on these players and it will take a long time for them to contend again.
  5. Attention movie lovers: Criterion Collection dvd's and blu rays are currently 50% off at Barnes and Noble, through July 28. That's in store and online. I normally don't go to B&B, but these sales are pretty nice.
  6. Somehow I'm thinking Brazil beats Germany today.
  7. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/elephant-chained-50-years-cries-freed-india-article-1.1857195
  8. I think both semis will be great games. Don't count Brazil out.
  9. I like the second choice because it's nestled in there like a nice toasted Gugny sandwich.
  10. The perennial "lose to win" argument. Nevermind for a second that it's a bad idea. Even if you wanted to do it, how do you get a whole organization of professionals to sabotage their own careers and reputations to create a losing team on purpose? Ludicrous.
  11. It seems that TOASTED SANDWICHES has dropped out of the race and thrown it's support over to the "Gugny are an idiot" movement.
  12. He can't seem to get it working properly. I am not impressed.
  13. I see now that this whole thread was an elaborate ruse to get us to click on a pic of boyst's unit. No way, I'm not falling for it.
  14. Not only is "escape goat" an instant classic, but the whole sentence is a mixed metaphor masterpiece. You have the image of a train going off the rails while you're trying to get away frantically riding a goat. Well done all around.
  15. Wow. This one is really troubling. I have to check to see who said that. Whoever it is, I am worried for him.
  16. Yup! And on to the PK's where Howard has a good chance to be the difference.
  17. Some more what-if’s (just for the sake of masochism and self-pity): What if… Klinsmann used Green for that second sub, instead of Wondo What if… Stu Holden’s knees had held up better. We sorely missed that playmaking. What if… Donovan and Cherundolo could have held on to their prime for another year and Brooks, Yedlin, Green, Diskerud & Johannsson were ready a little sooner. With Jozy and Howard and Dempsey and Bradley, it would have been a golden moment—we just missed those generations overlapping just right.
  18. That's the hardest pill to swallow. I can't stop imagining what it would be like if that ball went in. What a crazy moment that would have been. Oh man, as a fan I've been waiting such a long time for a moment like that.
  19. Thanks. Lots of guts, not enough glory.
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