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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Galla's Pizza in Sandy Springs, GA. I actually go there some Sundays because they show all Bills games.
  2. Football related repetitive brain injury syndrome: not just for players anymore.
  3. It's worse now. Much worse. Unbelievably overproduced, hyper-compressed, digitally enhanced garbage with a shelf life of about a week and a half. It's really more about the marketing which seems bent on getting kids pregnant, drug addicted and in prison as quickly as possible.
  4. I agree that there is a lot of good music out there. But what passes for popular music right now is just absolutely frightening in terms of how crappy and stupid it is.
  5. I just want to tell you: Happy Birthday, Striker. We're all counting on you.
  6. Song that just popped into my head while thinking about this thread: "Can I Borrow a Feeling" by Milhouse's Dad
  7. I hate !@#$ing spreadsheets. Anyone who would--in their spare time, not for work--make a spreadsheet is a douchebag. I take the woman's side on this. She should leave him. He can go make love to his laptop.
  8. There is a terrible double standard at play here. Unattractive male politicians have almost unlimited access to hot young females. We can't claim gender equality until skanky, unattractive, bigmouth senator broads like this can get laid once in a decade without publicly begging for it.
  9. Here's a link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/richardhjames/maria-sharapova-made-floyd-mayweather-look-very-small She looks great. Floyd of course is a !@#$ing circus clown. He makes me want to just grab him by his tiny little lapels and scream, "no more stupid riddles--just take me to your pot of gold!"
  10. Such shame. They'd be quite beautiful if not for the skanky meth'd out whore thing.
  11. Two Bills Drive remembers the winner of the Last Post Wins thread, Cugalabanza. Pictured here, veteran posters pay homage to the statue of Cugalabanza recently erected in front of Buffalo, NY’s famous Dirty Snowbanks Museum and Visitor Center.
  12. I've never watched Doctor Who. Is it worth getting into? Would it be best to start at the first season of the new series (from 2005 or so)? Or would I need to be familiar with the old show from the 70's?
  13. I really enjoyed this tournament overall. I'm sad it's over. Germany deserves the trophy. They played very well. Lots of goals and great games. Some surprises. The US made it out of the group and played honorably. And best of all: We beat !@#$ing Ghana!!!
  14. There are a lot of excellent defensive soccer players.
  15. If you're talking about Higuain's second half chance, the ball did not go in. It hit the outside of the net. The commentator initially saw it wrong and called it a goal. Also, the linesman's flag went up, but replay showed that Higuain was on-side. Had the ball gone in, which it didn't, it would have been a huge drama as it was flagged offside incorrectly.
  16. He wrote a book called "How to Survive the Running of the Bulls." The only way that's not a crappy book is if it's exactly one page long and on that page it says "stay home." Idiot!
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