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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I hope they all get ebola and die shitting themselves.
  2. Great summary. I agree with pretty much all of it.
  3. It's a kindness we grant our pets. Humans should be allowed the same option.
  4. That woman's 39? What the hell do people do to themselves?
  5. Somebody call Brian Brohm. The Winnipeg Blue Bombers are ready to negotiate a trade.
  6. Yes, it's kind of stupid. I've been challenged to do it. I think I'm gonna do a slow motion vid of me getting blasted in the face with ice water. Maybe it will be funny. Also, I'm gonna make a donation. I'm not on Twitter or Facepants or Assbook or Instacrap or whatever, so I guess I'll just keep it to myself.
  7. I don't agree about the EJ part. If EJ did that, I think fans would be saying, "uh, oh...EJ's starting to unravel."
  8. That's kind of true. But one of the reason's Kelly is remembered so well (and is a HoF'er) is that he was not afraid to let it fly. He had his share of bad INT's too, but he was a gamer. The completion percentage stat is way overrated in my opinion. Not nearly as important as # of touchdowns, yards per attempt and W/L record.
  9. Low 60% completion rate is fine with me if it goes with a 2 to 1 TD to INT ratio.
  10. Point of fact: The thing we commonly call a "spatula" is in actuality a "turner." Regardless, it can be very dangerous when swung edgewise. Many serious injuries have been caused this way. I believe (I could be wrong about this) that this is how the famous Ike got his name. He tried to become Ike Spatula before a close, culinary-inclined friend pointed out his error.
  11. That truly sucks. I sympathize. My cycle was not as intense as what you're going through. I was able to find a cure that worked for me. Please pm me if you want me to tell you about it. I'll warn you right from the start that most people I talk to about it think I'm full of ****. If you want to dismiss what I have to say, I won't blame you. I'm confident it will help you though.
  12. I've had cluster headaches too. I suffered with them for about 12 years. It was seasonal for me--every late summer into fall for about six weeks each year. I've been free of it for about five years. I had good results when I finally decided to stop the weird meds that doctors were prescribing. Knock on wood because, like you say, the pain (and sleep deprivation & life disruption) is ridiculous. I hope you get some relief too.
  13. !@#$ This isn't fair. Why can't God let me be happy.
  14. ...and then all of a sudden, to everyone's surprise and horror, the Earth blew up
  15. collection of vintage, mint-condition...
  16. I watched episode 6 last night. The one focusing on the Nora Durst character. I thought it was excellent.
  17. I recently watched the first bunch of episodes. I like it. Maybe my expectations were low because it's getting a lot of bad reviews, but I think it's interesting.
  18. Interesting that there are two Andre Reeds and a guy named Mike Levy in the picture.
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