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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. True, but it would be better to get the win over Denver instead of Green Bay for the AFC record.
  2. I think Marc Bolan took care of that about 25 years earlier.
  3. That was very frustrating to watch. I don't feel good about Joseph, Cooney and Gbinije in the front court. Gbinije has so much potential, but he never seems to get it together. Christmas looks to have improved his game more than I thought possible.
  4. Yeah, I'm with you. It's not a highlight in terms of human achievement.
  5. Very pretty girl, but the skank factor is off the charts. Three strikes: 1. Cheesy wannabe model pose apparently making love with a bicycle 2. Cheater 3. Seen with Johnny Foosball Nope
  6. Amazing play. He dominated his guy so completely!
  7. That is a great one. I'm a big fan of the Bungled Clichés category.
  8. I enjoyed the irony of GQ tackling the idea of "least influential." Articles on abs, hair gel techniques and what books to leave lying around your apartment (calculatedly casually) so girls think you're smart.
  9. From the ...blown coverage thread I said this is the phrase we should use to describe whatever QB crush Duck is hot about in the shoutbox.
  10. We'll have to steal this phrase for when Duck gets all worked up in the shoutbox about whatever lame QB crush he's into.
  11. I suppose it's technically correct when they refer to him as "Free agent quarterback Tyler Thigpen." But I wouldn't necessarily phrase it that way.
  12. From the Bizzaro Broadcast thread...
  13. The cops? !@#$ no! "Just don't do it anymore"
  14. Dogs are the best thing created on this world so far.
  15. That's how I feel about it too. My interest in the NFL has become pretty tenuous over the last few years. If the league doesn't step up in some way for the fans, I'm thinking there are better things I can do with my time on Sundays, Monday nights, etc...
  16. Yeah, he's just that way. He's kind of painfully self-conscious I think. EDIT... Hope Sandoval was another that haunted me for a while in the 90's. Really gorgeous and just the prettiest voice.
  17. I always kind of liked Edie Brickell too. I recently saw J. Mascis live and he does a version of that song "Circle" and it's pretty cool to hear that song again. He plays it pretty faithful to the original.
  18. Thanks for posting. It's a lovely story and it helps me get into the holiday spirit.
  19. This isn't a caption, just an appeal to everyone in the world under 30: Put the !@#$ing phone down for a goddamm minute, you insufferable douche!
  20. I'm taking this **** the other way! I'm suing my 3 year old for pain and suffering due to sleep deprivation and for emotional anguish resulting from her fits of screaming which undermine my personal sense of well-being and which has prevented me from achieving greater financial success and self-actualization.
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