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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Nice job referencing the Eagles and Motley Crue in the same post. I think that's a TBD first.
  2. What did he injure? From the clip it looks like it could be left leg, right shoulder, head, face, ribs, left elbow, collarbone or some combination of these.
  3. Hard to pick the biggest douchebag here... https://mobile.twitter.com/Patriots/status/546722039869239296/photo/1
  4. I'd listen and follow the sound of Billy Ocean blasting and find the guy holding the boombox.
  5. I too am an honorary Buffalo Belarusian
  6. That's just a wildly disingenuous maninpulation of statistics. To suggest that the situation is anywhere close to equal is nuts.
  7. Anyone else around my age remember being scared by the Headless Horseman episode of Scooby Doo? I'm really hoping I'm not alone on this.
  8. I was pretty spooked by the old lady ghost in the cellar in House on Haunted Hill (1959, with Vincent Price)...
  9. Excellent show! I still can't believe it about Phil Hartman.
  10. I find this stuff interesting. I've read some about it before. I don't really believe in it, but I haven't closed my mind completely. I admit, I pay close attention to the crazy stuff my three and a half year old daughter says, wondering if maybe she could have access to info in some mysterious way. So far, just one thing stands out a little. She talks about a character that she calls "the ghost with the one black eye." When I've asked her for details, she has said some stuff about him going down the stairs into the basement and that he (the ghost) is very sad. Which is odd because we don't have a basement. But then, she could have gotten this from one of the halloween shows she has watched or something like that. Or it could be simply her imagination.
  11. The first movie that scared the **** out of me was Burnt Offerings with Oliver Reed, Karen Black and Bette Davis. It was this chauffer character that got me...
  12. I think calling people like this “cowards” does not capture the situation accurately. I wish they were merely cowards. Cowards tend to stay home instead of following through on sinister plans. These men are more accurately described as aggressively evil, fanatically enraged, insane, dangerous !@#$ing monsters.
  13. (This might be a stupid question, but) what is a P.C.H. EDIT: I just got it...Pacific Coast Highway (I was thinking it was a music listening device or something the way he said it)
  14. Incredibly sad and scary. I cannot imagine the grief.
  15. If I had a gay bull, I'd name it Clark.
  16. Was that a real interview or a previously unreleased Salinger short story?
  17. That was most definitely not an attempt to trash anyone. I'm sorry if it came across that way.
  18. Even if you grant that this guy was deathly afraid of dogs (which is a stretch), they offered to remove the dog and he still refused to sit with the girl. Are some people deathly afraid of little girls who have recently been near dogs? Is that a thing too?
  19. I've always thought Ellemenope could be an interesting name. EDIT: I just googled it and there are actually people with this name. Now I don't like it anymore.
  20. If it's truly a service dog, it will be quiet and well-behaved. I don't have any problem at all with this. Santa deserved to get fired. The dogs are just fine--it's the humans I worry about.
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