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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I'd like to start a thread about soccer for soccer fans to share their thoughts about the beautiful game and have it constantly hijacked by unfunny crusades pointing out problems of the game.
  2. Gbinije is under 50% on free throws for the season. That's !@#$ing ridiculous. Something psychological going on.
  3. Kurt Vonnegut Cat’s Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five, Breakfast of Champions Raymond Carver Where I’m Calling From Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment Denis Johnson Jesus’ Son David Foster Wallace A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again Italo Calvino A Baron in the Trees George Saunders CivilWarLand in Bad Decline, Pastoralia, In Persuasion Nation
  4. Wow, just imagine what you could bring to 19th century composing knowing all you do about the the emergence of sophisticated passing schemes in the modern NFL.
  5. Beautiful girl. Pageants are creepy though. I can't watch them.
  6. Roger Goodell is the hot-head dad driving the car on the family trip while the kids in the back are getting rowdy and misbehaving. He doesn’t know what to do to straighten them out so he just sits there getting more angry. When he finally reacts to it, it’s simply out of frustration and his proclamations seem irrational and all out of proportion. The kids know this. That's why they keep misbehaving. They sense that there is no true authority and they get a sick pleasure out of seeing not only what they can get away with but also just how insane dad will get if they push him.
  7. Roy Orbison's "In Dreams" in Blue Velvet. Also, the Spanish version of Roy Orbison's "Crying" ("Llorando") in Mullholland Drive.
  8. I kind of hear Paul Simon singing, "Why are the balls soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard?"
  9. Yeah, that was suspicious to me too. I think he contradicted himself right there.
  10. That sums it up perfectly. I couldn't agree more. I've always felt it was funny that American football is the only sport where the officials have to make a spectacle of explaining via microphone to the crowd what is happening. Now the broadcasters need another official to add another level of interpretation. It's nuts.
  11. Eastwood has impressed me as a director. I like a lot of his early movies and I think Unforgiven is outstanding. I liked Gran Torino too. But he's had other moments where I've found him to be manipulative and heavy handed. I'm thinking of Million Dollar Baby and Mystic River. This one gives me the same feeling I got from those two. I could be wrong though. I'll probably check it out at some point when it makes its way to cable.
  12. I don't really want to see this one. It has nothing to do with how I feel about our troops--I respect and admire them a great deal. The vibe I get from what I've read and from the clips I've seen is that I would not enjoy it. It seems to have a one note "agenda" type thing that I'm not interested in.
  13. "Wins?" Who gives a ****? It's silly, stupid, insulting to even have the debate. !@#$ Penn State as an institution and !@#$ the NCAA. They showed their true colors throughout the whole thing.
  14. They're not booing, they're shouting "Gooooooogny!" Have a great day. Cheers!
  15. Gugny is erotically stimulated by illegal procedure penalties. That’s the only reason he watches football.
  16. Joesixpack is curled up in the fecal position because he was lamb basted for pigeon holding the coaching staph. Around here, if you don’t tow the line, they will go for the juggler in one fail swoop. Now he resides himself to riding off on his escape goat like some kind of pre-madonna with low self of steam, peeing in a troth, threatening to fly the coup because it’s too hard to route for a team that can’t get a playoff birth.
  17. Ungrounded bees are bees whose world views are based on assumptions which are not axiomatic or "self-evident." As a result, these bees tend to behave in a manner that is often observed as erratic and they put forth opinions which do not bear the scrutiny of more intellectually rigorous bees. The cause of this condition is unknown, but what is clear is that they are indeed deserving of our hatred.
  18. Unfortunately, the reasoning is valid, given the language of the BS rule. But I agree with you in spirit, that every common sense understanding of the game says it was a catch. You look at the play and say YES he caught it. The play is over when his body hits the ground. The ball comes out AFTER that. Why does the NFL continue to weigh what happens after the play is over? Change the rule! Please. End this part of the game that is broken. Yes. And every fan That I've ever talked to about it agrees that it's a bull **** rule.
  19. I understand that the refs have to interpret the rule as it's written. But it's a bogus rule. I'm no Cowboys fan, but Dez deserved that one. This bull **** rule has plagued the NFL too long. The Rules Committee needs to change it this offseason. It's ridiculous that "completing the process" should include judgement on what happens to the ball AFTER the play would have been ruled dead because the player is down. Also, the term "football move" is problematic because it's utterly !@#$ing meaningless.
  20. It's not an atheistic comment. It's blaming God (i.e., recognizing His existence) for the Bills failures.
  21. I don't actually hate you--that's why I changed it. But that PPP stuff is some lame crap.
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