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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Ah, thank you. You could call me ignorant for not knowing that, but I'm not Mexican.
  2. This might be a really stupid question, but what/who is "MSM?"
  3. Oh, ok. I was afraid it was something frivolous.
  4. Nobody else sounded like him, singing or playing. A legend. Rest in peace.
  5. I did? You mean the pooping owl thing? The was homage.
  6. Oh, you filthy son of a motherless from a donkey's out your you piece of and your too! Gugny, by the way, was raised in a Utica junkyard by wild dogs. That's why he doesn't have the sense to appreciate that certain sensitive individuals have a very legitimate aversion to hearing mention of certain cheesy seizure-inducingly terrible 80's pop stars. Also, the name of his biological father (who abandoned him) was Douglas Flutie, so I think that will tell you a little bit about the grown up Gugny's delusional / obsessive nature.
  7. I'm pickin' up what you're layin' down. I'm quick on the uptake. You don't have to spell it out for me in a delicious waxy colorful writing implement.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rbsw-gRMzU
  9. I didn't know him personally, but I have heard so much about him, I almost feel as if he was my friend. I feel bad for the whole family. So much tragedy. I understand there was also a friend of the family named Brian who lost his life tragically while trying to jump into a swimming pool.
  10. I can't believe it was that long ago when I saw the ambulance screaming down Main Street
  11. I only have five Buffaloes. But I've been around here for almost 12 years. I should be rewarded for my restraint and dedication to quality over quantity.
  12. If there is a rematch, they will need to look at a non-PPV event. Asking another $100 from people for a do-over snoozefest would exhaust even the vast gullibility of this nation of idiots.
  13. Dud fight. I think the fans deserved more, but no one should be surprised it played out this way. Both fighters seemed very pleased to have the huge pay day for a tepid little exhibition. I think Manny's legacy will be diminished in the long run, since he did not produce any fireworks fot his biggest event. But Manny does not care anything at all about that. And Floyd's rep is totally secure. He's dominant, but boring.
  14. Well, you're a person, which means you're deeply, hopelessly, tragically flawed. Other than that, you are fine.
  15. I've never been fired, but in my younger days I had the pleasure of telling a couple a-hole bosses where to stick it. That's one of the few things I miss from my youth--the freedom to say FUGGIT, because there's not so much to lose.
  16. I can't help picturing Baltimore as a great big John Waters movie.
  17. I actually quit over the Bills once. I was young, working at Ames Dept. store. It was a Sunday and I was the electronics dept. guy. I had the Bills game on. My boss told me I had to turn it off. I told her I don’t need this. I left and never came back. Finished watching the game at home.
  18. Yup. Sounds cheesy, but it's true. My daughter is the most interesting person in the world. We spend lots of time just hanging out together making each other laugh.
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