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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Wow, the USA men's team just beat Germany in Germany 2-1 a few days after beating Netherlands 4-3 in Netherlands, coming from behind in both! Great performances. I'm hugely impressed by this team right now.
  2. I've watched the USA women quite a bit, including most of their friendlies. They do occasionally play very good "total football." I sometimes question coach Jill Ellis in that she doesn't always get the most out of their talent. They have so many good offensive minded players, that sometimes it feels like they play without a gameplan and there is not a good flow. It's been a while since Alex Morgan has been at her best. I hope she regains that form soon though because when she's on, their attack is much more potent. She adds vision and creativity and helps them attack from all angles.
  3. Good win, but it wasn't a particularly well played game. Lucky they have a great goaltender because their defense was terrible in the first 30 minutes. They will need to pick it up if they want to go far. I think they will get better as the tournament goes on. And yes, USA has the best looking team. In addition to Morgan, Leroux and Press, I think Kelly O'Hara and Amy Rodgriguez are pretty adorable.
  4. President Obama (seated) shows his penis to a suprised Captain Kangaroo impersonator in a scenic location.
  5. It truly is bull ****. The players deserve better.
  6. Luckily, they have plenty of options at striker in the meantime. Wambach, Leroux, Press and Rodriguez are all very good scorers. I predict Carli Lloyd will be a big factor too, attacking from her midfield spot and getting some goals in this tournament.
  7. USA plays their first game today, against Australia. 7:30 pm on Fox Sports1 Check it out. The women's game is very fun to watch.
  8. Yes? (If you want my attention on a personal matter, maybe a PM would be better instead of just calling for me in the middle of some random thread)
  9. You could give up all snacks after dinner for a month. Another good one is crap TV. Don't watch anything that isn't enriching or educational in some way (you draw the line where you want). Or don't watch anything with commercials in it.
  10. I was gonna say hell yes, but after reading Tom's reply I'm not interested anymore.
  11. That's pretty great. Calls out the two most full of **** aspects of the game at the same time.
  12. That is pretty funny. And makes a good point. But many people do care about the sport, me included.
  13. The season one finale where they go through all the scenarios and advanced math to determine the maximum efficiency for beating off all 800 guys in the audience was one of the finest moments in TV history.
  14. It's surprising to me that more people aren't interested. Especially among sports fans. It's a huge story worldwide. I don't particularly like baseball, but if there was a breaking story about corruption, bribery & fraud, including arrests of top officials, I'd be interested in that. It's juicy stuff.
  15. He might, but there is some doubt now. This is an opportunity for other associations to come out publicly against Blatter. Ireland today announced that they will vote against him in light of the new dirt. Other parties, including Transparency International have called for Blatter's resignation. I don't know how this will develop and the details of the separate Swiss investigation into the bids for the Russia and Qatar world cups haven't been released yet. But, in any case, shining a light on FIFA scumbaggery is a good thing. The only remaining challenger for FIFA president, Prince Ali of Jordan (who seems to be a good guy), said "today is a sad day for football." The overwhelming response of football fans around the world has been OH HELL NO--THIS IS A GREAT DAY FOR FOOTBALL!
  16. I just starting binging on Silicon Valley. I watched the first season and half of the second. Very funny. Mike Judge is the creator.
  17. This is exciting to me. Everybody has known for a long time that FIFA was a bunch of crooks. I just didn't know it was possible to do anything about it. I'm very curious to see if this will have any effect on the next two bogus World Cup selections, Russian in 2018 and Qatar in 2022. Also, on Sepp Blatter's re-election this Friday.
  18. Several top FIFA officials arrested... http://www.nbcnews.com/news/sports/fifa-officials-held-over-alleged-corruption-world-cups-also-probed-n365101
  19. Sorry, I have to side with your wife on this. What if the original Kyle Williams ends up traded to the Dolphins and wins a super bowl with them? Also, I don't like the name Kyle either.
  20. You act indignant, but the only one trying to inject politics is YOU.
  21. That is incredibly cute and I'm not turning in ****. I'm proud to be a man who enjoys the cuteness of animals.
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