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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. USA vs. Haiti tonight. I'm hoping they sit Chandler and maybe Jozy too. I'd also like to see Mix Diskerud replace Kyle Beckerman.
  2. I'm kind of liking Wayward Pines too. It started losing some steam for me around episode 3 or 4, but then season 5 introduces some super crazy stuff that makes it fun again and takes it to a new level. I like that it will just be a 10 episode thing with a complete story arc. It's kind of guilty pleasure because it's a little bit cheesy in a Twilight Zone kind of way and there are elements where plausibility gets stretched, but it's executed well and it's fun.
  3. I guess so. Although, I'm not 100% sure that I'll root for the Atlanta team. The new NYCFC is compiling an interesting team with some of my favorite players: David Villa (Spain) Andrea Pirlo (Italy) Frank Lampard (England) Mix Diskerud (plays on USMNT) I'll wait to see how Atlanta Utd. FC plays out. At this point, it feels like little more than a corporate endeavor. If it starts to feel fun, I'll get into it.
  4. By the way, the Atlanta MLS team (starting in 2017) just unveiled their new logo... I'm not too crazy about it. Seems pretty generic. Nothing fun about it. Also, it feels a little old school fascist, like some pseudo-Nazi imagery from 1984 or The Wall. I wish the Atlanta Silverbacks (of the NASL) could have been promoted to fill the MLS slot. The Silverbacks have a cool name and imagery, with the silverback gorilla thing going on. I live in Atlanta and I've been excited about having an MLS team here, but from what I've seen so far, it's feeling kind of lame.
  5. Good job getting the win. Honduras did what they do well--they drag a quality oponent into the mud. It was a very physical, nasty game, as expected. Great to have the three points and move on. I think every team in the world hates playing Honduras. Although, Honduras did surpise me a little bit last night. They have some talented attacking players and they created some good chances. They did not just bunker in and try to make a stalemate. CONCACAF is truly improving in quality at a fast pace. Chandler was awful. I've never really liked him. I don't know why Klinsmann keeps giving him chances to the be guy at right back.
  6. Either one would be huge, but I think it's even harder to do in golf.
  7. It will be a very tough, grind-it-out game tonight. Honduras plays a very tough defensive game. When they play a more skilled team, like USA, they bunker in and try to beat you up. I hope the USA can find ways to find space and create a lot of chances, but this has 1-0 written all over it.
  8. I'm just as interested in what goes on the heads of people like Cosby's wife who stands by him and seems to have a denial mechanism that has no limit.
  9. Don't worry. This one will pretty much fly under the radar as far as mainstream media coverage.
  10. USA vs Honduras tomorrow (Tue. 7/7) night at 9:30ET on Fox Sports 1. First group game for the U.S. This tournament decides the champion of CONCACAF.
  11. Awesome performance. They got better as the tournament went on and kicked ass when it mattered most. Well done!
  12. Plus, the girlfriend's husband also has to hear the **** from the girlfriend’s husband’s mistress. Now she's all like "how come you won't kill your family to go on coke binges with me? Blah blah blah..."
  13. I agree. I feel for her. It will probably haunt her the rest of her life.
  14. Me too! I mean, I'm gonna hug my wife and daughter, not yours. I'm not some kind of weirdo that goes around hugging everybody. Not that your wife and daughter don't deserve a hug or that they're gross or something. I mean, I'd hug them too. But only if you were there, watching. Wait, not like dirty watching. Just like if it was normal and appropriate, not weird. ****. Nevermind.
  15. Last night's game was awesome. They really took the game away from Germany, which I did not know was possible. Still an issue of finishing--they should have had more goals--but to hold Germany scoreless is truly impressive. I can't believe how well that back line of Sauerbrunn, Johnston, Krieger and Klingenberg has played throughout the tournament.
  16. Oh man, never go into business with a suspicious party. Mr. Rahim is gonna get screwed on this deal.
  17. I can't believe this ridiculous movie ever got made. And what the hell happened to Tim Roth? He used to be a very good, respected actor.
  18. Not worried about USA advancing. But I still want to see them kick Nigeria's ass tonight. They haven't really let loose yet in this tournament. Time to score a bunch of goals.
  19. !@#$ him and the steel horse he rode in on.
  20. USA women play Sweden today at 7pm ET. This will be a tough one.
  21. Confucius say he who get distracted by porn on motorbike going to Bangkok.
  22. The only thing I can think of that makes sense is maybe he was getting hot and drowsy and he thought he had time and other options before trying to bust out a window. So he sort of said to himself I'll just close my eyes for a minute...and that was the end of it.
  23. Nonsense! USA and Germany must trade world rankings immediately. USA #1 Germany #27
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