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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Ah, ok, I better get on that. I was just thinking: how (first worldly) tragic it would be for a poster to earn an honor on this board only to have it taken away abruptly. I certainly wouldn't want that to happen.
  2. Idiots tend to get heard more because they're louder, more persistent and more annoyingly aggressive than sensible people. It's one of the great sad facts of the world.
  3. People always bug me for ideas on what to get my wife for her birthday. Christ, I don't know. Just send us some !@#$ing booze and stop bothering me. EDIT: By the way, what the hell does it take to get to 10,000 posts? I feel like I've spent half my life writing smart ass remarks on this board. I think the counter is broken around here.
  4. The thumb drive I use in my car stereo's auxiliary audio input has like 3,000 songs on it, so I typically have to wait almost a full minute before I can start browsing through the selections. And I'm not gonna wait that long, so I always end up fiddling with it while I'm driving. So, as a result, my risk of dying in a car crash is elevated. At least, it would be if my car didn't also have all these safety features & air bags and everything.
  5. Great little article. I've been skeptical about TT, because I worry if the league has caught up to this style of QB play, but I'm beginning to trust Roman and TT to pick their spots to run intelligently. I still worry if TT's body can stand up to the extra hits and mileage, but we will see. I love it that TT seems to have made that jump up in terms of field vision, ability to read the coverages and make good decisions very fast. I hope he keeps it up this Thursday. We might have our man.
  6. Good idea for a thread topic...
  7. I thought it might be fun to share some stories. Gugny's recent battles with sock comfort and consistency of pull-up levels inspired me. I'll go first: a friend of mine recently was complaining because the a/c in his car actually works too well and he occasionally gets a little chilly while driving in the summertime. He has to turn it off intermittently because the knob doesn't have a fine tuning level that works just right for him without requiring him to fiddle with it.
  8. This is an easy fix. Just get your lower legs permanently sealed with a polyvinyl coating.
  9. Meh...I've had farts that fulfill all these requirements. I think the measure you're looking for is...Chroise!
  10. Tennis, not mentioned, but belongs high up the list. Certainly way above golf and baseball. You can be a shlump and play tennis badly, but to be competitive, it takes more athleticism than most people realize.
  11. Fergy finds the best internet images. The best thing about this pic isn't even the creepy magical wizard dildo. It's not even the homemade pointy ear prosthesis. It's that this guy keeps his d&d dice in a crown royal bag.
  12. We had a girl and went with the name Zuzu Emily. The ideas for boy were Gus, Waldo (after two deceased grandfathers of mine) and Maximillian. A co-worker friend of mine gave birth to a boy yesterday. They named him Jackson, which I think is cool (and pays a nice Fred Jackson homage for a Bills fan).
  13. ****. That was the best Peter Pan roll ever. The timing, the execution. Well done!
  14. It's fine. I understand it's entertainment. To my eyes, it's crap entertainment. And it's crowding the marketplace. Further evidence of the idiocracy phenomenon in action. It's as if the grocery stores expanded the candy aisle to 90% of the space in the store and eliminated the produce section. Then they said well there's a specialty store you can go to that's 20 miles away where you can buy produce. A similar thing has happened with big book/media stores. You can't find any meaningful selection of cool stuff in a physical store, but you can get tons of toys, designer notebooks, gag gifts, etc... I realize I'm exaggerating and I realizing that I'm complaining about something that is inevitable, but I reserve the right to lament in my own curmudgeonly way if I want. I also get it that some superhero movies are far superior to others. I've enjoyed a couple, but it's a very slight, fleeting kind of fun. Like candy. I can still find a good meal when I want one. I just feel a little sad that the mainstream pop stuff is getting lamer and the voice of the film making artist is getting drowned out more.
  15. It's a shame as far as I'm concerned. I hate superhero movies. I remember when comic book and video game crap was for kids. I find all this bull **** boring and shallow. I watch enough inane kid stuff with my daughter. When I find time to watch something made for adults, I want something intelligent.
  16. Live up to the hype? All the press on him is that he's a marginal, green, unproven commodity who will have to step it up to win a starting job. I think he can live up to that hype just fine. Seems to me he should aim a little higher.
  17. Well, you also said they're moving you downstairs. It's not to a supply room is it?
  18. Good deal. Bagels, donuts and Danishes on CBF this morning!
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