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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I don't have an opinion where Fred should go or what he should do. I just want him to be my friend. Because I miss him.
  2. I absolutely agree. T-mobile is painfully, atrociously weak.
  3. Damn! Sad day. A favorite player foe so many Bills fans, me included.
  4. "...faces Belgiums Alison Van Uytvanck ranked 55th in a first-round match Monday..." Not a bad draw, especially for a qualifier. Could have been much much worse.
  5. Holy crap, all the QB's have been great! I'm so surprised & impressed. My vote is for EJ. Taylor a close second. A lot of people, myself included, said their hope was for EJ to show improvement and demonstrate that he's ready to live up to his promise. He has done that.
  6. http://frocktalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/rosemarys-baby_ruth-gordon_sidney-blackmer_trilbybmp.jpg
  7. I think that's a sample of the architecture of Penis Island.
  8. I would love to join you if I could. I don't live in the area. Do you have any coupons for the Moons Over My Hammy platter? I always enjoyed that little bit of Denny's word play.
  9. Really impressive. Hopefully she can pull off a win or two in the tourney.
  10. Plus, the Scrabble implications are mind boggling (and the Boggle implications are mind scrabbling)
  11. It was clear that you weren't being humorous. That's why it was weird. Again, just a word. No big deal.
  12. This one's pretty bright though. You'd be surprised. Kind of lights up the whole room when you're trying to sleep. Anyway, I was just trying to be funny. Thanks for being a huge dick about it though for no reason.
  13. The blu ray player in my bedroom has this blue light that stays on all the time, even when the unit is turned off. It's slightly distracting when the room is dark. I had to put a little piece of electrical tape over it. Which is fine, but the sleek line of the unit is now interrupted somewhat if you happen to inspect it carefully up close.
  14. Tough call. I like both of these guys. If the Bills let either one go, I think they would be snatched up pretty quickly somewhere else.
  15. Why is the headline so poorly worded? "Man Who Penis Ripped Off..."
  16. Just finish the thing and go get another !@#$ing sandwich! You know you want it. Stop deluding yourself. LIVE, dammit!
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