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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Not only does it show dingding, but that red streak has got to be a splash of blood. It originates from the horn and streaks back as the buffalo is running forward. It just gored and conquered its [opponent]. Badass.
  2. Yes! I'm looking forward to this.
  3. Glad to hear that Bill is alert. He's definitely a good guy and one of the pillars of this place.
  4. The question of intelligent alien life remains open. However, what is clear is that there is a huge upside-down vagina suspended in the skies looming over us all. And the message is unmistakeable: we are !@#$ed!
  5. I'm surprised the girls didn't have to go to the hospital too.
  6. I just think it's funny that every single article written about him starts off with the words, "Hollywood tough guy..."
  7. I'm beginning to think this whole body identity disorder stuff is more common than I originally thought. I happen to work with a guy who wants very badly for all of his teeth to be knocked out. I can tell he wants this very much because it's evident in everything he does. I can also tell that he is hesitant to voice his wish out loud, due to the stigma of this poorly-understood disease. I'm not normally inclined to go out of my way to help this guy, because we don't happen to have a close friendly relationship, but as a result of my new heightened awareness of this strange condition, I'm seriously considering a spontaneous act of charity on his behalf.
  8. I don't know what to say about stuff like this. It's baffling.
  9. Ha! Good luck. It never works for me.
  10. From the picture, I was ready to say YES. But after reading the article, I changed my mind. No thank you.
  11. Yes. Coughing is bad, but sneezing is the absolute worst. I just healed up from 3 broken ribs. About 4 days after getting hurt, I had a sneezing fit that was just ridiculous. I thought I was going to pass out. I hear of some guys playing football with this and it's amazing to me. They must have some pretty great drugs.
  12. Thanks, sir. That would be awesome. Your team is the real deal. Ours is on the right path--we're just hoping not to **** it up.
  13. This too is tempting to make jokes about, but I will not succumb.
  14. Sure thing. I think our best bet is to go with an insanity plea.
  15. I really liked Buffalo '66. I thought it was a pretty fun, very original little movie.
  16. She's great, thanks. It's funny--she is drawn to scary stuff. She's really pumped up about Halloween already. She has an imaginary friend named Carla who is a ghost. She was telling me about Carla the other day and it gave me goosebumps.
  17. I haven't been this frightened since the "Daughter Of Cugalabanza Witch Hunt" scare of 2013.
  18. Uh...no. Is this another sinister left-handed moderator voodoo spell or something?
  19. I got yer moon with a preponderance of a north-south ridge around the equatorial and mid lateral regions right here, pal!
  20. Again, not necessarily evil, just Better.
  21. I wouldn't necessarily say that lefties are evil, but clearly all the research shows that they are inferior human beings.
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