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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I don't know yet if I can muster any enthusiasm for the Orange anymore. Still pretty frustrated with the whole situation.
  2. There are multiple stories claiming that Subway execs knew about Jared's pedophilia in 2008 and did nothing.
  3. Thanks. "Ain't No Sunshine" was the favorite song of an uncle of mine who passed away a few years ago. After the memorial service, some of the family met at a diner and that song came on while they were all talking about him. I don't know much else from the Bill Withers catalogue, but I should check it out.
  4. One of the nice little pleasures in my life is when I take my daughter to the park, checking out all the cute young moms who want to show off to the world that they still got it...in yoga pants.
  5. Thank you for offering to help. Recently, I had intimate relations with a person other than Mrs. Banza. It was wonderful and exciting, but I have guilty feelings about it. Now that other person is making demands and I’m confused and worried about what to do next. Am I a bad person? Also, I should point out that the other person is me.
  6. Is that really true? That's pretty sickening.
  7. How the !@#$ did Subway not know who they were dealing with when they appointed this soon-to-be-tortured-to-death-in-prison piece of **** as their Sandwich Czar For Life? (And then stuck by him for years after questions were raised?)
  8. If it was a Sunday 1 pm game, I'd say Miami has a shot. But you know Belichick has been working, strategizing around the clock, devising the perfect game plan, summoning Satan, sacrificing animals and virgins, whatever it takes, to look good for prime time. Pats by 20
  9. Haha, awesome. But Gragg knows you don't have to be hurt to get targeted out of bounds.
  10. Ha! Thank you for pointing that out. I know I'm getting older and it's kind of square to point out stuff like that, but sweet christ that was a grammar apocalypse.
  11. Not for Russell Wilson. He has vowed to keep his E strictly D. For the lord.
  12. It's just difficult to fathom that Elizabeth Hurley is composed of the same fundamental organic material, virtually indistinguishable at the cellular level, as, for example, Beerball.
  13. I think if I met her in person and she smiled me, I'd mess in my pants involuntarily. I hope that counts as a YES.
  14. Worked for Uncle Leo http://pickupthefork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/uncle-leo.jpg
  15. If loving the great sky vagina is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
  16. I loved the first season. I'm gonna wait until a bunch of season two episodes are out so I can binge watch them.
  17. Reporters from HBOs Vice, Gianna Toboni https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/54/a1/85/54a185bbad44ad5f204f81fc4293837f.jpg Isobel Yeung http://i.ytimg.com/vi/KH1SiuUgBf0/maxresdefault.jpg
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