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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. After reading this, I have even more respect for CBF than I did before. I personally do not consider cheeseburgling a crime. Any sensible person would do the exact same thing if they could get their hands on $200,000 of that sweet sweet cheese.
  2. Fury is an incredible douchebag, but he had the stature and strategy to make Vladimir look old in that fight. I think Fury's accusations are a joke. He also tried to suggest that Klitchko is a devil worshipper.
  3. Giff was a pretty cool guy. Anyone who has read Exley's A Fan's Notes probably has an appreciation for his legacy.
  4. I'm glad he's not hurt bad. He's kind of a goof and he's on the team I hate, but he seems like a good guy and he's one of the all time best at his position. He's good for the game. I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you there.
  5. Congratulations to you & your family! Well done! Yes, the boy will be saddled with a lifetime of disappointment as a Bills fan, but at least he'll be able to enjoy his birthday since it's in the offseason.
  6. Clearly the cops backed off once they realized what they were dealing with in terms of the scope of this dangerous syndicate. You don't mess with the Mahjong mafia. You can tell that the media is afraid of them too, by the lack of serious investigative journalism in this fluff piece. I think Scorcese needs to make a movie about these ladies. Blow the lid off!
  7. Yes, it was clear to me that Darby would have been there to make the tackle. By rule, since the whistle happened before the reception, it should have been a dead play and repeat the down. The 15 yard penalty on Rex, although technically justifiable, seemed pretty cheesy and desperate from the refs. I still think the #1 takeaway from this game is that the Bills are still not quite good enough to beat the Pats, but the refs were pretty godawful in this one. Embarrassingly bad. I don't buy any conspiracy theories--I just think the refs were lost out there and botched this play badly.
  8. Dareus to me looked like he was cramping up. I could be wrong, but I think that's all it was.
  9. It's true. Anyone adamantly denying this is delusional (or blind).
  10. I just called. By sheer luck, I got through to Mr. Goodell directly. I guess at the end of the day, everybody was leaving for the day and he happened to pick up the main line. Anyway, he said I made a lot of good points. He said he will personally make sure that the Bills get a ton of huge breaks in this game, just to even things out for all the grief we've had to put up with over the years. He also asked me to pass on his personal apology to all of us and that he loves us dearly and wishes us a wonderful holiday season. Sweet guy. I'm glad I took the time. I think everything is gonna be just fine.
  11. Still not nearly enough, but good for the judge for going beyond what the wimpy ass prosecutor was going for.
  12. RIP and thoughts with the Flutie family. No news available makes me wonder if it was planned thing / suicide. Which would be no less sad, but it would, in a way, be kind of sweet for the old couple.
  13. I have to say I don't know. I can't see through all the makeup and photo fx.
  14. I'm picking up some My-Rich-Daddy-Will-Take-Care-Of-It vibe as well.
  15. One other piece of advice: Make sure your GF adds extra time to the recording. Games almost always go over the allotted three hour time slot. And if there's overtime...
  16. If the Bills lose, it will be because Chris Ivory and Brandon Marshall had good games. The Bills know that. The Jets know that and the Jets know that the Bills know that. But do the Bills know that the Jets know the Bills know that? Yes. Yes, they do.
  17. There was some head lice in my daughter's pre-k classroom this year. I was nervous about it. I put very small touches of tea tree oil on her scalp. I've heard this is a good safe preventative. Not sure if that's what did it, but my girl never got any lice.
  18. She's very cute. I would gladly be her next bad life choice.
  19. Oh my god, man, don't do that! So much better to scatter the pieces in a remote location.
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