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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. http://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/MjAxMy0yNjlmZWNkYWI1ODVjNmJh.png
  2. I agree completely. Way too much of this stuff in our society. It's cool that your son has found something he loves and he's good at (and that they are the same thing!) I want my daughter to try lots of things (music, sports, dancing, science,...), not necessarily for her to excel, but so that she has experiences with lots of different things that life has to offer, which ideally will make her more confident and have fun and be healthy and well-rounded, etc...all that good stuff. And hopefully, something will click with her and become a passion. Why the hell a parent would ever want to scream at their kids and force them to do something they don't enjoy is ridiculous to me.
  3. I saw Hail, Caesar. I happen to think the Coens are a national treasure, but this one was just ok. It was incredibly rich in terms of ideas and visuals and the various set pieces poking fun at the different classic hollywood genres were impressive. To me though, it didn't quite come together as a satisfying whole. The Big Lebowski is similar (but much better) in the way it had all these skew threads (bowling, nihilism, bumbling noir detective piece, pornography, etc...), but that movie hit it out of the park. Maybe it's not fair to compare this new movie to Lebowski, but it's just not as good. Also, Hail, Caesar! is a comedy, but I can't help wishing it was funnier.
  4. Well done, Fergy. Congratulations! I'm on pace to join the club in early 2020.
  5. I think hockey (the Sabres at least) is more like chili. It's not a complicated recipe, but it takes a long time to cook for the different flavors to come together. Then we (the fans) eat it up and it gives us terrible gas and stinks up the place.
  6. I'm so tired of these NHL / instant pudding analogies.
  7. This will be an unpopular opinion: Getting severely outplayed and starting fights...how is that not just being a dick? (I realize that we have an entire forum dedicated to this strategy)
  8. I am too. I'm surprised fighting has survived this long.
  9. !@#$ you, McDonalds on Dorsett! If the drive thru wasn't filt up, this never woulda happened.
  10. Hey, Bullpen! Good to hear from you!
  11. Although I am called by many names, I am but one banza.
  12. Well, you got your... Bullpen (aka "the thinking man's Beerball") - his posts became less frequent then petered out a year or two ago. I don't believe he's left us for good. He's probably just working dilligently on his next post, which should be really really good! AJ Zepp - might come back some day and I hope he does so that there can again be one person here who actually reads my soccer posts Stuck in Cincy - hope he's doing well out there somewhere DuckDogOU812 - If he got married, it's to his patchwork, hot sauce-slathered air mattress. Actually, there is a theory that Dog still posts regularly but that literally every member of TBD has him on ignore so it's impossible to verify.
  13. I thought that was a very good debate last night. It was refreshing to see a relatively intelligent discussion of the topics. I think the candidates effectively laid out their positions. No personal attacks. They did not dodge any questions. The moderators did a nice job. One of the best debates I've ever watched in terms of actually helping to inform the viewers. Also, I think both candidates improved their campaigns. I agree with what one of the analysts said afterwards: Clinton most likely will close the gap in the upcoming New Hampshire primary and Sanders probably will close the gap nationally.
  14. For those of us who thought this thread would be about something else... http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/11/10/1415658216616_Image_galleryImage_Fergie_LA_Love_Music_Vide.JPG
  15. [Warning: contains soccer content] This made me sad today. Stuart Holden was one of my favorite players. He had truly unbelievably bad luck with injuries. At one point, he was the most promising USA player. He had success with Bolton in the English Premier League. I’ve been rooting for him for the last few years in his comeback attempts. He recently was working out with the USMNT after his latest knee rehab. I guess he couldn’t make it all the way back. A really cool guy too… http://www.foxsports.com/soccer/story/united-states-bolton-wanderers-midfielder-stuart-holden-announces-retirement-020316
  16. This is hilarious to me. I love how Sully thinks it’s his job “to ask the tough questions.” What does he expect to uncover? Did Cam Newton sell guns to terrorists? So !@#$ing ridiculous. Cam's a football player. An extraordinarily good one. There’s no controversy here. It’s about a football game. Sully looks like such a square head dork douchebag, especially playing the race card. I don’t even know what he was hoping to achieve. Unbelievable.
  17. I watched a few episodes a bunch of years ago. I remember it being funny. It's not hugely memorable for me. Mostly, I remember that the girl from out of town that owns the diner was quite exceptionally cute. She was from the big city somewhere, which caused some suspicion among the locals. Also, the young girl cop was really pretty too. It had a little bit of the comfortable small town sweetness in an Andy Griffith Show sort of way. The main character was sort of the Andy. And his friend was a bit of a Barney Fife (as were most of the other townies) if I remember right. That's all I got.
  18. Zooey Deschanel's mom was also on Twin Peaks. She played the mother of Donna, the Lara Flynn Boyle character. Also, Amber Tamblyn's Dad was on the show. Russ Tamblyn--played the kooky psychiatrist.
  19. I'm in Atlanta. Just found out my daughter's school is letting out at noon today and we have to pick her up. But it's only raining lightly and it's expected to be like 38-39 degrees all afternoon. I understand that it's good to be cautious, but come on.
  20. I second this. It's the only thing that worked for my dog when she got very old.
  21. This new app I got for my phone called SkyView. You can point your phone at the sky anywhere and it will show exactly what's up there...all the stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae, satellites, constellations. etc... It's pretty cool.
  22. Some people rolled their eyes when we named our daughter Zuzu, but I think it's ok because you can't even make that name with scrabble letters because there's only one Z. Well, you could use a blank tile I guess, but whatever. It's not like there's an apostrophe in there. That explains why you have a kid named Jklm123yesgoodbye
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