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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. That seat folds down. Don't worry about it--I got this.
  2. It really is impossible to pick favorites. I love movies and the moment I try to pick one or a few, I immediately second guess and feel like I'm leaving stuff out, etc... But I can clearly say that the best experience of seeing a movie in a theatre was Pulp Fiction. I saw it with a good friend of mine when it had just come out. I had seen Reservoir Dogs and knew who Tarantino was, so I was looking forward to it. But seeing Pulp Fiction for that first time just blew me away. The out of sequence storytelling was just awesome and each section had such an effective tension-and-release, I was in awe. I remember being in a great mood after it was over, just thinking, damn that was a great movie.
  3. Captain Ron. Not even close.
  4. The burnout kids would write, "we have hits"
  5. I'm having a hard time understanding why the mother didn't do more years ago.
  6. I can't believe so many people still spend their entertainment time and money on terrible movies like this. Kids, I can understand, but why do adults keep going? It's so far from art and so obviously just a drab exercise in demographics and marketing, it feels like I'm at work if I go see something like this. I hope the disappointing box office of Batman vs. Creative Integrity is the beginning of a trend of people just losing interest in the same dumb cliches and tropes. Probably not though.
  7. and they said I'd never amount to anything
  8. Totally understandable--clearly a cry for help.
  9. My mom has told me many times that she was drinking when she went into labor with me. She also smoked diligently the whole time.
  10. It really is a very underrated holiday. You don't have to buy anybody any presents. You don't have to go anywhere or have family over to your house. And drinking is encouraged.
  11. I realize no one will care, but this is a cool little article having to do with David Berman of the Silver Jews... http://americansongwriter.com/2016/03/songwriter-u-when-the-silver-jews-crash-your-silver-jews-tribute-set/
  12. "The plot thickens, as they say. Why, by the way? Is it a soup metaphor?” - M. Gustave
  13. hashtag shiv the mofo!
  14. It writes itself. Check it out: right at the end, the very last scene, we have this perfect cameo... Just after it seems Omega Gugny has saved the day, eluded the Nazis or rescued the ingenue or whatever...DC Tom suddenly comes out, looks at Gugny and says calmly, "You're an idiot." Roll credits. Blam! Not a dry eye in the house.
  15. You gugny, you don't even know your Greek alphabet. Omega is the last letter, not zeta. So it should be the Omega Gugny. Actually, that sounds kind of cool. I see a movie idea. Sort of a dystopian sci-fi slapstick coming of age road movie adventure comedy.
  16. Where I work, the gugnies run amok. The trick, it seems, is to embrace your inner gugny, ingratiate yourself with the other gugnies, eventually betray the other gugnies and make a power play to become the alpha gugny.
  17. Goodell is a dope! He should give up this disciplinary responsibility as well as all of his other responsibilities and retire somewhere to some remote location where nobody has to see his stupid dopey face or hear anymore of his bull **** anymore ever again.
  18. If it's circumference is about 3.14 times more than the delicious egg-y diameter, than yes!
  19. Here's to you pi. You're irrational, unpredictable and you go on and on forever, but we just couldn't live without ya! Oh, and custard cream for me.
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