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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. It's nowhere near as good as the original, but it is a pretty good movie. It has one of the best quick scare shots of all time (in the hospital--I'm guessing you know the one I'm talking about).
  2. I watched the Exorcist last night. It still delivers. So well done.
  3. This is the best time of year for horror movies. There are a million to choose from and 95% are garbage. Here are some obscure ones that I like If you like horror mixed with humor, check out Tucker and Dale vs Evil. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1465522/?ref_=nv_sr_1 Repulsion. The most psychologically tense movie I've ever seen. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059646/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_25 Burnt Offerings. This is a sentimental pick for me. Its the first movie that scared the crap out of me when I was little. Bette Davis and Karen Black are scary no matter what theyre doing. And the image of the weird chauffer guy haunts me to this day. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074258/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 And Then There Were None. This 1945 version of the Agatha Christie novel is the best. Really fun. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0037515/?ref_=nv_sr_2 What are some of your favorites?
  4. 1. The fans have to be sufficiently fired up about every little detail including always calling for the heads of several players and coaches.
  5. I saw a pretty memorable Wilco show. A few years back at the Chastain Park in Atlanta, it was an absolute downpour. Wilco was really appreciative of the fans who stayed and played some extra songs. They sounded great.
  6. I’m constantly surprised how many people are willing to give up civil liberties so quickly as a reaction to having their sense of security threatened. I would expect true blue Americans to have a little more spine than that. Especially among self-identifying conservatives, who supposedly distinguish themselves as honoring the spirit of our founding principles and profess to be suspicious of interference from the government. I’m definitely against stop and frisk.
  7. Best: Pavement and Royal Trux. Both bands I like a lot and they were just really on that night and it was a good crowd and it just sounded really amazing. Worst: Jimmy Buffet. Why the hell did I allow myself to get dragged to that?
  8. You are simply flat out of your !@#$ing mind. However, we are entering a golden age for loudmouth simps, so I guess congratulations are in order. Cheers! Maybe you'll be president some day.
  9. I think Michelle Obama is quite attractive. There is zero political bias in that opinion. I just happen think she's pretty and seems to have a nice body too. It's coincidental that I also happen to believe that she's an intelligent, trustworthy, solid human being as well.
  10. Pulisic getting some big minutes in the Champions League for Borussia Dortmund: http://www.starsandstripesfc.com/2016/9/28/13092588/christian-pulisic-real-madrid-champions-league Any other soccer fans excited about this kid? He just turned 18 and hes rapidly becoming the most important player in the USMNT player pool. I hope he stays healthy and continues to improve. He has crazy skills and already has shown that he can play at the highest levels. Things are looking up for the next generation of USA players.
  11. I know! It's ridiculous. Who the hell does she think she is? She was wearing almost as much makeup as Trump!
  12. I agree that this is an excellent summary. I'll add that, in addition to the ridiculous amount of commercials, they are increasingly inserting ad content during the actual telecast, in between plays. Little pop-up promos for network shows, annoying pushy mini-commercials about why you should be accessing some BS content on your mobile devices with this or that provider, etc... to the point that the commentators are less tuned into the game. There are times when I'm wanting to know "did that play count?"..."what's the flag for?!"...and none of that is being shown or discussed because the announcers have all this stupid other content that they're required to get through. All of these things accumulate to make the whole experience feel like kind of a drag. I find that it's hard for me to watch a late game after I've watched the Bills because it's actually fatiguing after a while.
  13. I don't know about the science of all this, but from a marketing standpoint, I bet you could get Apple to finance the project. We could take all the defective Samsung Galaxy phones, bundle them together into a giant man-made asteroid (the "aster-droid" if you will) and launch that to Titan as the igniting element. Apple could use it as their new campaign. (Apple: Our phones don't cause cataclysmic cosmological explosion events within our solar system.) We would all get to witness a really cool looking fireworks show and it wouldn't cost taxpayers anything. The only downside being that annoying hipsters would probably use the whole thing to their own stupid skinny jeans, man bun advantage somehow.
  14. I don't really know what to say. If you saw those things happen, I can't argue. I guess you could say he did "enhance his beliefs" although I'm not really sure what that means or how you could demonstrate it or even why that would be a good thing.
  15. I'm surprised that so far 12 of 29 people here think that Trump won the debate. I get it that a lot of people support Trump as the better candidate overall, but if you think Trump won that debate, that's some serious orange colored glasses and wishful thinking going on. BIGLY!
  16. A cheap plastic chair with many millions of dollars in the bank, loads of talent, a winning attitude and a bright future.
  17. That made me laugh out loud. Yes, it would require dangerous levels of the ol' brain medicine.
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