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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Maybe time to change the thread title to just "Trump alone"
  2. I actually kind of like Kiss and I've seen them live. I just don't have patience for that cheesy crowd work stuff. It reminds me of a lame meeting at work when somebody goes, "let's go around the room and have everybody talk a little bit about what they do..." Makes me want to sneak out of there. Is that the famous tour where Kiss had turnstiles of hot girls and were trying to get the guys in Rush laid, but Geddy, Neil and Alex were too busy doing crossword puzzles and ironing their silk robes or something? (I'm not making fun--I like Rush. It's just a funny story.)
  3. That's a good one! Many are popping into my head now: Loser - Beck Creep - Radiohead Red Right Hand - Nick Cave Buddy Holly - Weezer Anthem - Leonard Cohen Don't Sweat the Technique - Eric B & Rakim Protect Ya Neck - Wu Tang Needle in the Hay - Elliot Smith ...plus lots of stuff from Pavement, Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr., Butthole Surfers and more I'm not thinking of
  4. Did Paul Stanley ask the crowd to shout and then say, "I can't hear you!" Then, did he invite one side of the crowd to try to shout louder than the other side? So lame.
  5. Haha, thank you for that. If I were completely civil, I wouldn't stand a chance over here.
  6. Close. I understand the dogma. I just don't give a **** about dogma.
  7. ...and Mr. Magoo is a Ninja Master, skillfully eluding would-be catastrophes with unmatched athleticism and finesse, staking his domain and demonstrating his superiority.
  8. I have the Amazon fire stick and it works very well. Super fast and responsive. And it has an app for NFL Sunday ticket. That's how I watch Bills games. No complaints at all. I've used a smart blu ray player before too. That worked ok, but the Fire Stick works much better.
  9. I should have added that there are medical circumstances where I would consider terminating later.
  10. I think you're right about that.
  11. Me. I named it after myself.
  12. I hear ya. But, as you know, Catholics (as well as other religious groups) don't always interpret all the pieces of gospel as gospel. I could point out some compartments of Pence's philosophy where he seems to have gone a la carte with his so-called faith. Anyway, it's no matter to me what a person's religion is. I'm more interested in the ideas that come from a person's better faculties.
  13. It's a good question and fair to ask. I do not support late term abortion. Around 20 weeks is where I draw the line. Later than that I am not comfortable. I don't pretend to know the answers about what Life is or exactly when it begins. I don't have religious affiliations which influence my feelings about it. But that doesn't mean I don't take morality seriously or wonder and think about spiritual aspects. Adults have the responsibility to do their best in dealing with complicated issues like this. If I take into account all the things that I value and what I know and my best instincts and factor in things like tolerance, compassion, liberty... that's the best I got: I support the choice of a mother to abort a pregnancy, but if she can't do it in the first few months, then she's got herself a family.
  14. Damn, you tripped me up. Now I have to explain how my love of dead babies informs all of my personal beliefs.
  15. I respect your position on this. Many people disagree, however. I'm familiar with all the arguments (and "arguments"). It's an issue where thoughtful intelligent people can disagree.
  16. I liked High Tension very much. I'll have to check out those others.
  17. I think Kaine has done a good job of explaining his position already. He's personally against abortion, but doesn't think the government should intrude on individuals' decisions about it.
  18. Well, Pence seems like a nice enough guy. Maybe he can set Kaine up with some of that conversion therapy he likes so well.
  19. Holy crap, it's the old Sabres' logo come to life! Seriously, I hope your family will be ok. Nasty nasty business.
  20. Great job!
  21. I'm a sucker for the Friday the 13th movies. I don't know what it is--I know they're bad, but I still like 'em. That cheesy teen slasher formula just does it for me.
  22. They both look like worn out lifelong high school basketball coaches.
  23. Rosemary's Baby is one of my all time favorites, but I can only watch it once every few years. A few other good ones from this century: The Descent, The Babadook, Drag Me to Hell, The Cabin in the Woods, House of the Devil
  24. Smith is an amazing blowhard. You won't find a higher word-count-to-coherent-thought ratio outside of Trump headquarters.
  25. Another... A Tale of Two Sisters http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365376/
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