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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Well, she's exaggerating some. Of course lots of people had good times. But if you happened to be gay, it was not so easy. You definitely had to keep that a secret at school, work and probably even with your family.
  2. She's not wrong though
  3. http://www.avclub.com/article/if-you-wanna-find-hell-me-listen-steely-danzig-mas-245271
  4. I never said that. I never wanted any of those wars, going back two Bushes ago. The topic was the refugees. But I guess we're opening it up to time travel. In that case, let's go back a couple decades and re-think our position.
  5. So, we're gonna SHOOT THE MOON! (oh boy)
  6. I think that's right. We got one boiled ass dead frog on our hands.
  7. Ok, I'm bumping this one more time, because now many Republicans are saying that they will block ANY scotus nominee that Hillary names, for the duration of her term. I'm surprised this doesn't get more attention. How can this be acceptable even to suggest? How is this anything other than crybaby whining and the Republicans being bad losers (before they've even lost)?
  8. I don't know. I don't even have an office. I don't know why I said that.
  9. uh, no 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office.
  10. I agree. Well said.
  11. Welcome to planet Earth I'm not sure what planet you're on.
  12. Well, that's the made-up crazy answer. The shorter, true answer is that some people view it as the good, compassionate thing to do to provide a haven for people in need and that we should do our share to help.
  13. Sounds like a synopsis for a particularly bad episode of season 3 of Westworld, long after JJ Abrams has jumped ship and the writers have given up.
  14. I'd say so. Not only is factual information scrambled beyond recognition, but there is a moral degradation that takes place too. Camus wrote that morality is ultimately not that complicated. The average person has a good basic understanding of what is right and wrong in terms of how to treat people. According to Camus, it's the job of the politician (and other institutions--I think you can plausibly include corporate interests) to convolute issues of morality, in order to get people to do things and to allow things they would not otherwise. The result is a practical Moral Relativism, in which the con artists are able to act without consequence.
  15. Why does this persist? What's the diagnosis, Dr.?
  16. George Orwell almost had it right. Although, it's not necessary to go back and revise previous stories. A better strategy emerged: just make the news a swirling mess of vague confusing half truths so that nobody really knows what's going on in the first place...which ensures that eventually nobody really CARES what is really going on anymore.
  17. Maron WTF (depending on the guest)
  18. You know who's real good? That Tom Petty! For my money, I don't know if it gets any better than when he sings "American Girl."
  19. The lawsuit might get some traction. Minnesota is not a right t'werk state?
  20. Yes, mass-media has failed us. But, more importantly, the people have failed themselves. They've allowed the media to sell them pre-packaged crap and brand recognition...and FEAR. Our electorate is now fully idiotized and ripe for whatever the hell is next.
  21. Wow, that seems kind of medically suspicious to me. Goodwin was taking a nap on the field after head trauma.
  22. It does. It tells me that there are many millions of wild raving morons in this nation. I'm not here to defend Hillary or grind any ideological ax, but there is no comparison to Trump. He's a !@#$ing joke! This whole bizarre extended episode of mass delusion will be looked back upon in embarrassment.
  23. I still can't completely get it through my head that the loudmouth idiot real estate scumbag Donald Trump is hijacking our entire culture in this insane frenzied ego orgy and getting millions of people to magically forget that he's a sleazy loudmouth !@#$ long enough to actually consider voting for him. Didn't we all know he was excrement decades ago? Down is up. This will all be over soon, right?
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