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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. With the exceptions of Bannon and Palin who are both WTF names, most of that list (of the names more familiar to me), look palatable. I'd like to add Joe Arpaio to the "kook" list.
  2. That's why I addressed it to the cheapass nazi troll himself.
  3. You really need to stop with this insane crap. I know that this forum is generally left alone by the mods because it's understood to be a lost cause in terms of reasonable discussion, but this hate you've been pushing is too much. Please stop.
  4. Not sure about Yedlin. I thought he was doing well at Newcastle. I don't understand why announcers, commentators & analysts are so reluctant to be critical of Bradley. He'll make three very costly turnovers in a row and nobody says anything. That guy, Fernando Fiore (who I like) was the only one who mentioned Bradley playing poorly. He also called out Klinsmann for inexplicably choosing Chandler again. The USA guys remained silent on those points. I don't get it.
  5. . I agree with both of you. I also want to say that Bradley needs to be called out for his continued sloppy careless play. He's a turnover machine and a huge liability right now. He's a good player when he's on, but he needs to get his head fixed. He's holding this team back. Wood, Altidore and Pulisic were great. Unfortunate that their chances didn't result in a couple more goals. One more thing: !@#$ing Chandler? Again? Really? Klinsmann, Jesus Christ, man, this is becoming your Bornstein. Just !@#$ing stop it!
  6. Cue the Bee Gees song, "I started a joke, that started the whole world crying..."
  7. A strange personal story about Leonard Cohen: When I was younger, I went to Montreal a couple times on vacation with my family. For some reason, I always get this weird feeling in Montreal, sort of a haunted, ancient feeling--that's the best way I can describe it. I had talked to my father about that. Of course, he didn't know what the hell I was talking about. A few years later, I got into Leonard Cohen's music. Some of those songs from the early albums gave me the same strange feeling. I thought it was really weird and kind of unmistakeably the same feeling. I don't know why, but it took me another couple years to discover that Cohen grew up in Montreal.
  8. Not uncommon. A friend of mine who shares almost the same musical tastes as me can't stomach L. Cohen. I happen to think he's great. I even like his most recent album, from this year, a lot.
  9. Dead at 82. He left a lot of great music. Rest in peace.
  10. Good soccer weather! (especially for me as I watch from my living room with a nice drink in hand)
  11. I tend to agree, as long as the fed gov will recognize those marriages as defined and performed by the individual states. In other words, as long as something like DOMA isn’t resurrected. EDIT: I see you just made the same point in another thread
  12. USA vs. Mexico Friday (11/11) night at 7:45 pm ET, on Fox Sports 1 Word is that Tim Howard has reclaimed the starting GK spot. 18 year old Christian Pulisic should start. He's been playing very well in the Bundesliga and is creating a ton of buzz. This should be a very good game. (and please, please, no political stuff in here. It's ok if you make fun of soccer, call me names, make jokes about my mother--just, please, no politics)
  13. Wolf's at the big board! Wolf's at the big board!
  14. It's gonna be a big night for Wolf Blitzer. He gets to go over to the big board every 5 minutes and read all the numbers verbatim, including the actual total numbers of votes for each candidate in individual counties.
  15. Too bad it's completely false. http://www.snopes.com/clinton-paid-beyonce-and-jay-z/ (sorry to interrupt the internet superstar hate orgy)
  16. Reminds me of some lyrics I really like… “I’ve been working at the airport bar It’s like Christmas in a submarine Wings and brandy on a winter’s night I guess you wouldn’t call it a scene” (from “I’m Getting Back Into Getting Back Into You” by the Silver Jews)
  17. That's a really interesting distinction. I guess I'm partial to the practical hypocrisy. It's kind of like slapstick. I know it's more lowbrow humor, but it gets me.
  18. Granted. My take on this (and again, I don't consider this issue to be very significant) is that having ID to vote is a perfectly reasonable expectation. There is long-standing tradition of it not being required in some places. To change that, you have to say this new requirement will go into effect at some point (2 years? 4 years?) in the future. This point has been politicized. While the left is ridiculous to resist the requirement, the right has tried to play it to their advantage as well. The argument that voter fraud is a big problem has been blown out of proportion. If voter fraud is the issue, then the point of emphasis should be on making the voter rolls as accurate as possible.
  19. Yes, of course. Everyone has to take these things into account. In politics, it should be understood that things are being spun constantly. But, if something is funny, I'm gonna admit it's funny.
  20. Well, I'm not necessarily against that. I know that hockey fans hate ties. I just object to that extra point being given out and a tie (overtime loss) being worth half as much as a win. I'd like to see a win being worth more in relation to a tie.
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