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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I'm good with it. I'm curious to see what Arena can do with this current player pool. He did well in previous cycles with what, to me, was a lower level of talent overall than what he will have to work with now. Of course, the rest of CONCACAF has improved quite a bit over the last decade too.
  2. I have exactly as much respect for DC Tom as I have ever had, or ever will.
  3. He is the safe choice. Not a lot of great choices available out there that I'm aware of. I guess Peter Vermes was the other serious candidate. The thinking seems to be that Arena has done it before, has that international experience. Also, he got the U.S. to it's best WC result in 2002, where they almost got to the semis (losing barely to Germany on a controversial goal). Also, he's become a better coach in his time at MLS. The LA Galaxy have fielded very good teams year after year. And, I think they expect Arena to take them to the WC in 2018 and by then they will be able to pick the next long term (hopefully) coach for the next phase.
  4. Actually, it needs neither a pinned thread or a forum of its own. It doesn't get that much attention here. The one regular thread seems just right. Klinsmann had some very good moments. It seems like a good time to move on though. As a coach, he seems to have lost the team. His post-game comments have become absurd and he has not been willing to face reality when they team's effort has been atrocious. He plays it off, deflects blame and says something like, "I told the players they will have a lot more 4-0 losses in their careers." In one sense, I appreciate how he's willing to protect his (favored) players from criticism. Like Bradley, Brooks, Jermaine Jones, Tim Chandler. But at a certain point, it becomes just a blind spot and it leaves the fans scratching their heads when he refuses to admit when they've had bad performances. Also, his tactical choices have been bizarre at best and it puts good players in awkward spots...to the point where it seems that some players have quit on him. Arena will be announced as the new coach today. I don't know how long he'll last this time, but I think it will make a positive impact in the short term at least.
  5. Wow, I didn't think they'd actually do it. http://www.espnfc.com/united-states/story/3001177/us-soccer-fires-national-team-manager-jurgen-klinsmann
  6. Good stuff. Yes, TT has to start getting the ball out. He’s turning into Trent Edwards with better wheels. Got to get past this reluctance to let the ball go on time. Now he’s in the pattern where he isn’t even ready to make a play until after all the routes have been completed and it becomes night at the Improv. I hope Robert Woods is ok. I noticed him in the last few games giving a really impressive all-out effort. He’s been laying out, grinding hard for every extra inch. It’s like he sees this team sliding and he has taken it on himself to be better and really leave it all out there. I think that was part of the reason he got hurt yesterday. He doesn’t go down easy—he keeps fighting and it made him vulnerable. Also, it was a late hit and should have been flagged for 15. I agree on Gillislee. I think they can safely increase his quantity of touches. This team is built to run. I’d say let Felton get a couple more carries too.
  7. Some of these are pretty funny http://www.avclub.com/article/collected-works-phil-simms-pro-footballs-poet-laur-246124
  8. Do you ever speak in anything other than vague riddles? I don't know, probably some kook somewhere is talking about letting everybody in right away with no vetting. But the consensus in both parties seems to be that we should definitely weed out terrorists.
  9. Man, you gotta get out of the house every once in a while
  10. Klinsmann will most likely remain through this cyle. Although if the U.S. fails to qualify, I'm sure he'll be out. I want Klinsmann to do well. I like his weird goofy optimism. But he seems lost to me as a coach. It's gotten to the point where all the words that come out of his mouth sound like bull **** to me. Last night he said, "I said to the players it won't be the only 4-0 defeat in their career." That pisses me off. He doesn't get it. I hate his defeatist attitude. You don't have to be Germany or Brazil to play well in big games. He downplays the talent of our own players. Costa Rica is a perfect example of a team who makes the most of what they have. Tiny nation, limited talent pool. They have a few very good players, but the key to their success is (shocker!) they play well as a team and give great effort. In Brazil 2014, Costa Rica had the world cup that American fans were dreaming of. They made it to the quarterfinals and almost beat (they lost in PK's) an excellent Netherlands team to make it to the semifinals. They didn't shrink from the challenge. USA has more talent than Costa Rica. They have better resources. But they've been playing like crap.
  11. Hard to say exactly. Six teams left in qualifying, the top three teams qualify for WC2018. The 4th place team goes into a playoff against a team from the Asia region. USA is currently in last place with zero points after two games. Eight games left.
  12. USA loses 4-0 One of the worst performances I've seen in a meaningful game. USA looked lethargic from the start and never really found a way into the game. John Brooks was so bad, I worry if he'll ever be good again. Yes, he was that bad. Bradley was crap again. Omar Gonzalez's lackadaisical effort on the first goal was embarrassing to the point that he should have been subbed out at that moment. There isn't much positive I can say about any of the USA players. Wood gave a nice effort at times. I'm not sure what is going through Sunil Gulati's head right now, but Klinsmann should be worried for his job. I would not be upset if they let him go tomorrow morning. This team has been awful for a while now. It's inexcusable--there are some very talented players whose skills are being wasted and who do not seem committed to their national team.
  13. I feel bad for her too. I recently watched the Weiner documentary. She seems like a good person. She tried so hard to support her jackass husband and he kept embarrassing her so horribly. She suffered so much and I was impressed how she was as dignified as possible through it all. She deserves a lot better.
  14. Well, it seems I won the popular vote, but due to some electoral college type of special rules finagling, the title got handed to somebody else.
  15. Apparently, Scott Baio is pissed that his name is not being considered for a cabinet position. www.bbc.com/baio_trump_cabinet
  16. By the way, Christian Pulisic is great. Anyone who has been a fan of that national team has to be excited when they see this guy glide past defenders and consistently make good touches and decisions with the ball. He made one heavy touch against Mexico that I remember. Other than that, he was a positive influence the whole game. This is the next-level player that we've been waiting for as a creative attacking force. Here's to him staying healthy and getting comfortable as the USA's #10 for a long time.
  17. The link has Arpaio as a possible Homeland Security Secretary. No, I don't need a hug. At least not from any of you nutcakes here at Redass Headquarters.
  18. Next up: USA vs. Costa Rica, Tuesday (11/15) at 9pm ET. The game's in Costa Rica, so the TV network is beIN Sports, which almost nobody gets here in the States. Hopefully, I'll find it in HD on one of the Spanish channels. I think Klinsmann is feeling some heat right now. It will be very important to get a good result in this game. A win and things are back on track. A draw and things will be tense and it will be a long wait until March for the next round of Hex games. A loss and people will be panicking and calling for Klinsmann's head on a stick. Costa Rica is no joke. They are capable of winning against any team in the region. My hope is that Klinsmann stays out of his own way and let's them play with a ttraditional 4 man back line. Don't try to get clever with any experimental formations. Keep Tim Chandler on the bench where he belongs. I really like the Wood-Altidore-Pulisic connection as the creative heart of the attack. Don't mess with that at all.
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