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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. The first games with Bruce Arena back as coach. Im very curious to see how they look. vs. Serbia Sun. 1/29 at 4pm ET (ESPN2), in San Diego vs. Jamaica Fri. 2/3 at 7pm ET (FS1), in Chattanooga
  2. Toronto vs Seattle These teams have been fun to watch in the playoffs. Should be an entertaining final tonight.
  3. She never breaks anything down when she puts it in the garbage. So, right after I put in a new bag, she fills it up to the top with like a milk carton and an empty Kleenex box.
  4. Short answer: yes I'm no Hillary fan and I'm not a partisan. I think both parties are disappointing. And I know how Hillary is viewed by 99% of the people who post here. Basically, any random person off the street would probably be better than Trump.
  5. Donald Trump is our president elect. The guy everybody has known for decades to be a cheesy scumbag scam artist. If you think that's not terrifying, then you're either deluded or dumb as **** or you're on team Ozymandius.
  6. I do in fact. People spazzed out. Because both parties have abandoned the middle class and because media have become a mess of corporate interest and sensationalized bull ****. So tens of millions of people voted to blow **** up by electing a petulant narcissistic child king.
  7. I actually tried because I was curious. But it was really long and I got creeped out very quickly. Basically, I think their stance is to remain coy and smirky while claiming that people misread their intentions all the time and then they wink in a way that says they are exactly who we think they are, but if we say it out loud, they'll say we're reading too much into it. I think they really enjoy this game. Very odd & creepy.
  8. To be fair, I don't think anyone is really taking this seriously. Or, at least, they shouldn't be. I read what J. Alex Halderman wrote about it. He says the media is misrepresenting his position. What Halderman is arguing is that PAPER ballots are preferable to systems that use only digital information, simply because it makes it possible to verify results in the event that hacking is suspected. Halderman is not suggesting that any hacking was done in this election. He merely wants to shine a light on the potential risk with information being exclusively digital. He said it would be a good thing if a candidate demanded a recount because it would highlight this point about digital vulnerability. His interest is strictly in cyber security. He did not himself make any claims about foul play in the election or espouse any partisan stuff at all. If this story builds, it will just be another instance of media sensationalizing and taking advantage of a climate where people are riled up and eager to read & absorb provocative stuff right now.
  9. It's hard to avoid making that mistake: getting roped into petty power struggles with toddlers. The "I know you are, but what am I?" trap.
  10. Ok, I was a little broad in the way I expressed my frustration.
  11. The real issue with Trump's twittering is not *THAT* he tweets. It's *WHAT* he tends to tweet about. Namely, grudges against private citizens who have hurt his feelings somehow and other childish nonsense that makes it look like we have a petulant child about to turn the highest office in the land into a bad sit-com premise. But carry on with your trumped up indignation, internet superstars. ...cuz Trump is gonna give it to us straight. Ok, whatever.
  12. Oh my god! That's an unlucky mofo.
  13. Besides, the word "classified" has a different definition to Trump. To him, classified means really very terrific, as in extra classy.
  14. blah blah blah. Keep buying what the kooks are selling. And keep pretending all the bad guys are on one side.
  15. Yes. I think it would be helpful for the media to start ignoring the loudmouth idiots of the world instead of joining them so eagerly.
  16. Sounds like nobody can tell him anything. He says, "civility is gone." I'm pretty upset about Trump. I think it's Idiocracy come true. But the hyperbole does a disservice. Civility still exists. This idiot, Neal Gabler, sounds like he's not made of very sturdy stuff. It's a case of "Don't Feed The Trolls." This guy is letting himself get trolled hard, so hard that he's becoming a troll too.
  17. Right. The extreme fringes (left and right) are really getting their 15 minutes right now. Everything in the news is about stimming out about something controversial in a way that is hateful or exclusionary somehow. But out there in the real world, away from PPP, away from all the weirdly insular corners of the internet and the entrenched adversarial elements of the media......people are still living their lives and generally being decent people and not drowning in hatred for all their neighbors.
  18. I say give Arena a chance through this WC cycle. He's been successful at every level he's ever worked. Several college championships with UVA, with a program that was non-existent when he started. 5 MLS Cups, with 2 different teams. The USA run at the 2002 World Cup was pretty special. Klinsmann did some good things, which will continue to reap rewards in terms of the talent pool. He deserves credit for that. It's just that, as a coach, he ran his course. Did you watch that Costa Rica game. I've watched a ton of USMNT games over the years. That was the worst one. I saw players giving up. The USMNT has always been about heart, but they quit on their coach in this game. I'm excited about many of the young players right now. I think Arena is the right guy to not screw this up. He's a big proponent of not over-complicating things. I think he will get the best out of the players and I think players will be reinvigorated. EDIT: Think of it like this. Bruce Arena is kind of like the USMNT's Wade Phillips.
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