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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Wow, man. First of all, millions of people in this country could benefit from a remedial civics class, no doubt. Do you really think they are all liberals? Imagine for a moment, that the Republican candidate lost the election while getting the majority of the popular vote by a couple million. Do you really think that it would not be a popular rally cry for the Republicans? I'll concede that liberals often act like douchebags, but to claim it's all on one side...
  2. Again, you're overstating my "expectations." I said he might have a chance to get 50. I think you're making me a strawman for what you perceive me to represent. I do still belief Ossoff will have a decent shot in the runoff. I initially posted because I live in the 6th and I thought it was worthwhile to report that I was witnessing a push. The final result was +6 over what the polls were saying, so that’s not nothing. I concede that the conservative base here is very strong. But it’s also true that the liberal minded people here are becoming more motivated. Plus, with all the attention it has gotten, there will be some developments still to come. Hard to say how Ossoff and Handel will deal with the hyper-scrutiny to come. It’s your hasty, out of hand dismissal of my comments that I found arrogant and condescending. I’m not as emotionally invested in this as you seem to think. I did vote for Ossoff and was hoping he’d get the 50, but it’s not so surprising that it ended with him coming up just short. Your Toldya So after the fact is I guess a matter of pride for some like boyst & others, but objectively, it’s no big thing.
  3. You can hate the guy for lots of ideological, or even personal, reasons, but you have to admit that "carpetbagger" is a bit of a stretch. The guy grew up in the district, currently lives just outside the line, his family lives there and he plans to move back there soon.
  4. He needed 50; got 48. It will be tight again in June. Meanwhile, this area will be bombarded by both campaigns.
  5. No, you insufferable twat. I said "I think there's a slight chance he even gets the 50% today." It's funny how you talk about precision in words typed and about feelings. It's clear to me that you are projecting. You've shown yourself to be careless with words and their meanings and the fact that you are always looking for a fight indicates that you have some emotional problems as well. What are you really afraid of?
  6. You have comprehension problems. You have misrepresented what I've said. Also, you are a condescending !@#$.
  7. You said he will lose the runoff by a wide margin. I disagree. I think he might win today outright. Failing that, I think he will win in June. Is that ok with you? Have I clarified it enough? Is it *enough reason* to disagree with your precious position? Jesus, this !@#$ing place!
  8. I disagree. I live here and I'm seeing the swell. Many many people are voting who would not usually vote in a special election. Enthusiasm is very high for Ossoff. I think there's a slight chance he even gets the 50% today.
  9. This is my district. I'm voting for Ossoff today. Flip this ****. Flip ya for real!* *this is a Usual Suspects reference.
  10. I've never been able to get into scotch. Recently someone recommended Laphroig to me, so I spent like $70 on a bottle. I hate it! I came to find out that it's like the peatiest peat peat of all the peaty peats, loved by only the most serious scotch heads. I'd describe the flavor as chewing on a dirty used bandaid torn from the infected foot of a diabetic shut-in.
  11. I second that. I forgot to mention that one. A friend of mine made fun of me because the bottle and name make it seem lame, but it's really great whiskey.
  12. Most recently, just the regular Wild Turkey. I'll go back and give 101 another try though. I drink it neat too. I've found that for me the returns start diminishing around $50-$60/bottle. And sometimes I don't even want to drink something that could be described as "smooth." That's when I grab the Jim Beam or Evan Williams, which are both pretty damn good, but they do have that nasty bite that I crave sometimes.
  13. Good call. These are two I like a lot. Some of my other go-to's: Evan Williams Single Barrel Makers 46 John E. Fitzgerald Larceny Sometimes, I just go for regular old Jim Beam or Wild Turkey. There are so many good choices for bourbon that don't cost a lot. My all-time favorite inexpensive brand is regular Evan Williams. Just tastes great to me.
  14. That's a great tribute. I hope they say the same about me when I'm gone. Rest in peace, Charlie.
  15. The Espolòn Añejo. If you can find it, it's probably cheaper than the 1800. Around $28 I think. The others I mentioned are more than that, like $45 to $60. Tequila is on the expensive side these days due to some supply issues with the agave plants. But I think the Espolòn is really nice. I drink it neat. I tried it with ice too, but I like it better with nothin'.
  16. Nice! I'll check those out. I've heard the Fortaleza mentioned fondly, but haven't gotten to it yet.
  17. That's a pretty good margarita. By avoiding the margarita mix in a bottle, it's automatically better than 95% of the margaritas available. If you upgrade that triple sec to Cointreau (or Grand Marnier) it becomes even better. But it's debatable whether it's worth the cost. I'd gladly drink a pitcherful of yours with Triple Sec. Try sipping one of the tequilas I listed, either neat or with an ice cube or two. I think you'd be surprised how good it is. Especially if you happen to like good whiskey.
  18. I recently discovered that I really like sipping good tequila. Previously, I had done the obligatory cuervo shots and had some margaritas varying in quality from awful to great and had the occasional shot of chilled Patron Blanco or somesuch, but I never realized that I could like actually tasting tequila. It's becoming my favorite thing to drink. Lately, I've loved sipping these tequilas neat: Herradura Añejo Don Julio Añejo Casamigos Añejo (This is the George Clooney tequila) Espolòn Añejo As you can see, so far I'm digging the añejos mostly. Ive always loved bourbon and añejo has that mellowed wood thing that I like. I may try working my way into the Reposados for more of the pure agave flavor. Anybody else have a love of nice tequila? Or care to recommend a favorite brand?
  19. I worked at Ames as a teenager. It was a mess of an organization and was a ****ty place to work. I remember once getting a raise from $3.35/hr. to $3.40. The managers there were in a constant state of confused agitation and always treated the employees terribly. I quit on a Sunday so I could go home and watch the Bills on tv. Tangent: Who remembers Two Guys dept. store? I used to live right by one in Greece, NY in the 70’s.
  20. What's up, CBF, my friend? Good to Hear from you. I haven't been around much lately either.
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