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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. ...just when you think you've heard every possible masturbation euphemism...
  2. TrumpPence Spicer Bannon Priebus Scott Pruitt Linda McMahon Betsy DeVos Rick Perry Ben Carson Tom Price Sonny Perdue Jeff Sessions Rex Tillerson They ain't left
  3. I will concede that some of the righties in the current administration are pretty hilarious.
  4. Well, I have noticed a big Karen Handle push in the last few days. Before that, it seemed that the Ossoff brand was getting the majority of the bandwidth. I think this is going to be razor close. They probably won't be able to call it until very late. I'll be glad when it's over. I'm tired of the barrage of ads, signs, texts, voicemails, fancy high-gloss mailers and brochures stuffed in the mailbox every single day, etc... There is a huge amount of enthusiasm here among so-called liberals & progressives to flip the district. But I'm cautious because this part of town just has so so many of what I think of as Thurston Howell III type conservatives. And those mofos like to hold on to what they got.
  5. This is really going to be a squeaker. If I had to guess, Ossoff will appear to be in the lead most of the night and then, very late, as the last polls close, Karen Handel will win with something like 50.2% of the vote. Fox News was reporting this morning from the diner near my house where I take my daughter all the time.
  6. "Punching the cabana boy" ...just when you think you've heard every possible masturbation euphemism...
  7. "You probably think..." This is my favorite scummy tactic that I see here in PPP all the time. It just sets up the terrible conversation that's about to take place. It's like their jab that they keep sticking out there to keep the opponent at the right distance and to set up the big right hook. It so perfectly says "I don't respect you" and "this is not going to be a civil conversation." Ding! Back to your corners.
  8. These senators are stupid. They should have just asked him the classic trap question: "Mr. Sessions, when did you stop colluding with the Russians?"
  9. “This shooting is an attack on all who serve and on all who participate in our democracy.” - Gabrielle Giffords
  10. Nobody tolerates that. Just as nobody should tolerate the violence that is done to women by many tens of millions of men on the planet (also surely higher than 1%). The question is what are the expectations of the rest of those groups. To what extent do we expect them to actively condemn or behave apologetically on behalf of those bad apples? I could see the validity of arguing that it is enough for a good person to live a good life and simply disregard those of his "tribe" (or whatever Granfalloon you wish) who act badly. The reality of our complicated world seems to suggest that we all share some responsibility for "calling out" the bad apples, but I think it's a conversation that needs to happen more.
  11. It's a really interesting debate that still needs to happen in our society. Basically it's "what is the burden of condemning or distancing yourself from" (see, there isn't even a good vocabulary for expressing it yet) those of your "kind" who do bad things that you disagree with. We say of so-called moderate Muslims, why don't you speak out more against the extremists within your religion? Maybe they shouldn't have to. In a healthier culture, it would be understood that fringe nutjobs don't represent a wider majority of "sensible" people. I don't know the answer, but I think it's one of the central issues of this time in our history.
  12. Obviously, anyone celebrating this is a disgusting person. Please don’t associate these nuts with any wide category of people, like "the left.” It’s always easy to cherry pick examples of bad behavior. It’s a mistake to suggest that it’s representative of any broad cross-section of regular people, who would never condone violence like this for any reason. I know it may sound naïve or childish to point it out, but being disgusted by senseless brutal acts of violence is something that we all can understand and agree with. I hope Scalise and the other victims will be ok.
  13. I'll second this. I loved this show. I thought it was very well done. I could see how some people wouldn't like it though. I recommended it to a friend and he was like, meh, not for me.
  14. I didn't brag about anything. There were lots of opportunities to vote early in that election. Anyway, I voted on Tuesday, after work, at about 6:15 pm. I think your generalizations here are a little extreme. I don't typically identify myself as a liberal. It's just in this forum, I stick out a bit. I find myself defending the left side of things more because I see that the slant is sometimes aggressively right. I'm also not trying to disparage any points of view, just occasionally chiming in as a dissenting voice.
  15. You're probably right that it was not much of a realistic possibility to get Garland. I just feel that the Democrats left a lot of runners on base in that game. The Republicans were very blatantly hijacking the system. I think they (Dems) should have hit that every day. They foolishly thought they didn't need to because...Hillary. They could have used it for more leverage before the election, if not to actually get Garland confirmed, then for points & credibility for their party.
  16. I thought it might be interesting to have a space for people to admit to ideas that we agree with that come from the Other Side (parties, people, institutions,) For example: I dislike Trump, but I think he is absolutely right when he talks about getting better treatment and services for veterans. I hope he follows through on this. I think the Democrats should have given in on Gorsuch and voted to confirm him instead of forcing the stupid nuclear option. The Democrats missed their chance to force their issue with Garland. They should have pushed the issue more at that time, before the election. Once that was over, the Dems should not have done the same thing they were calling out the Republicans for. Gorsuch is a relatively moderate choice and they could have taken the high road and gained some points by saying we are not going to hold the process hostageits better to move forward and try to repair the relationship between D & R. (ok, I realize how naïve that sounds after typing it, but I do believe that.)
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