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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Mmmmm... Television. Richard Hell & The Voidoids too! (I think Blank Generation is my favorite album of all time)
  2. Wow! I read both of these books. Both are great, especially "Please Kill Me."
  3. Oh dear God, yes! Thank you. I thought I was the only one. On a semi-related note: I'm surprised no one has mentioned Grand Funk. At their peak, they were bigger than everybody. Just ask Paul Leary. Or Homer Simpson... ("The wild shirtless lyrics of Mark Farner. The bong-rattling bass of Mel Schacher. The competent drumming of Don Brewer.")
  4. I've already given my solution: Do away with the offense altogether. Punt on first down every time we get the ball (unless in FG position). By eliminating the offense, we can spend like crazy on what will be the greatest defense of all time. We also get a couple speedsters for returns. Our D gets turnovers in FG position maybe two or three times a game and the occasional defensive TD. If you look at yesterday's game, factor in Moorman's quick thinking and athleticism, subtract Drew's INT and his fumble that went for a TD... and you will see that we would have won the game with this strategy.
  5. I know! I like to imagine Moorman passing all the offensive players coming back onto the field and he just sort of winks at them and goes, "that wasn't so hard."
  6. Did you see how close he came to breaking it all the way? He threw for a first down a couple weeks back too. PLAY MAKER!
  7. I do get the point, and I agree. I have now officially changed my position. For the first time ever, I'm now saying "bench Bledsoe." Yes, he did make some nice plays yesterday. Maybe the INT was not his fault. ...BUT: this team is just way too vulnerable to the pass rush. Every single time there is an obvious passing down, it's a disaster. Every single team in the league knows this. It's not all Drew's fault, but it's painfully clear that only a more mobile QB (can you imagine a LESS mobile one) can fix the problem right now. The offensive line to give Drew ample time on a 3rd and 10 simply does not exist!
  8. hmmm.... I think I'm picking up on your sarcasm.
  9. Yes, they are hot (I prefer Barbara by just a little bit). Uh George, it's not pronounced Nuke-ya-lur, it's Nuke-lee-er. Bills 27 Pats 10
  10. The jackass Atlanta affiliate is showing the Jags/Colts game instead. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  11. Damn straight! I aint escared a no Patsies.
  12. "Come On Eileen" is another one that can stick in your head. Also, it makes a good porn title.
  13. I never even knew Gilligan had a gambling problem.
  14. I have read that he is very good, but his unflinching vision is too piercing for my heart to withstand. Films like his belong in an art house maybe somewhere in a bad neighborhood. It is ridiculous to expect that the regular megaplex crowd could understand art like this. That's why Spielberg will never get the credit he deserves as a revolutionary, until maybe after he's been dead for about 50 years.
  15. It IS good. I saw it this weekend. If you like zombie movies, you'll like this. Very funny and entertaining.
  16. I said yellow, not mellow, you hippie! Damn kids! With your marijuana cigarettes and your Steely Dan records. Stay the hell outta my yard!
  17. At least two times, this year and last, Drew has described "seeing yellow" after a big hit. I'm no pro athlete, but I've been hit in the head by all manner of people and things and I've never seen yellow. I've seen stars, I've seen the dark edges close in as consciousness fades, I've seen blood, I've seen those weird kaleidoscope shapes from getting poked in the eye and I've seen a bright light at the end of a long tunnel, but never yellow. Anybody else ever experience this? Is there a neurologist in the house?
  18. A couple times now, I've heard about Drew taking a hit and "seeing yellow." WTF? That scares me. Actually, I think it's a good sign that Drew is now starting to get angry and fired up. The last couple years, things would start to go bad and we'd see Drew all sad and quiet at the press conference. To me, that was the worst part about last season--the APATHY. And it spread like a mud puddle all over the offensive side of the ball.
  19. I guess I'm a loser by nature. Ever since I was a little kid I've known it: THIS IS THE TEAM FOR ME!
  20. Neither did I. What the hell are you talking about? I'm talking about Travis Henry.
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