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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. This just in: The Frankenstein Anti-Defamation League has released the following statement: "Doctor Frankenstein is extremely upset by the unfavorable representation of his monster in the media as a mindless zombie-like fool. Also, he is very insulted by the comparisons with quarterback Drew Bledsoe." As a result, Halloween has been canceled forever.
  2. Please allow me to interject a few quick facts that I think are relevant here... 1. Halloween is fun 2. There's always a bunch of squares trying to ruin everybody else's fun 3. Witches are not real Thank you.
  3. Somebody (I don't remember who) in another thread, suggested FRANKENBLEDSOE.
  4. Ooooh! I almost forgot how madly in love with her I am. Nice call.
  5. Have another Werther's Original, turn your hearing aid down, and don't worry about it.
  6. I kind of scared to post another pic, so I'll just link to the website... Lexa Doig http://www.lexaonline.com/
  7. Plus, you might just have a career in show biz. I'm thinking Vegas.
  8. Damon = Caveman Lawyer Anybody ever see that Phil Harman skit from SNL. That's what I think every time I see Damon.
  9. I saw the new extended version. I won't give anything away, but they do include some new info that helps explain what's going on. Big thumbs up! I love this movie. It always leaves me with my head spinning a little because it seems so complete and satisfying in a kharmic or emotional way, but I'm never able to rationally make total sense of it. In the end, I don't care at all if it makes logical sense. It hits me in the head like a jet engine out of the sky from the 4th dimension and sets my heart aglow with fanciful dreams of six foot tall bunny rabbits and wormholes. Do not doubt my commitment to Sparke Motion.
  10. I belong to the BLANK generation (but it's not ME)
  11. I've worked in retail and now I work in the corporate cubicle world. I miss the sparkling conversation from the retail jobs. No kidding. It's like, you put a pair of tan khakis on a guy and he loses all mental function.
  12. You wanna know about morons?... I just spoke with someone here at my company who told me that his favorite movie of all time is Roadhouse. I don't know what else to say except that sometimes this world does not seem like a place that is fit for decent human beings to live.
  13. Did your precious HDTV allow you to interact with the fans at the stadium too?
  14. They have almost the exact same schedule we do. We play the Niners and Bengals also, just later in the year. That's why we still may have a chance.
  15. Yeah, he did some of that on other plays, I agree. But on this one play, it was all talent.
  16. The last-second burst of speed to do get separation from the 2 defenders. The over-the-shoulder grab with hands (not body). The perfect footwork & awareness to stay in bounds. When I saw that play, I just went Oh Jesus. It was such a good play, I think it scared me a little. Of course the (60 yard!) throw was perfect too.
  17. "Dolphins quarterback Jay Fiedler knows what it takes to suckseed."
  18. If you've never sat that close, you should definitely go! Even if it's just to see the scrubs. I had a chance to sit on the floor once and it was awesome. The game looks totally different. You really get a chance to appreciate how big & strong & fast those freaks are out there.
  19. I think the best thing Mularkey can do is let Sam have his little tantrum and not make it a huge deal or suggest that he has to go. I think the point has already been made very clearly that the team expects more from him.
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