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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I totally understand the criticisms. Yes, this is a flawed team. But so is just about every other team out there. Really (and I hate to have to say this), only the Pats strike me as a team that is solid in all aspects. Plus, it's the holiday season. So call me a believer, sucker, whatever... Go Bills!
  2. You're a three decker saurkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce. Let's all hope that, by some strange miracle, all the right things happen and the Bills make the playoffs. I think that maybe Ice's small heart would grow three sizes that day!
  3. And we all know where that road leads: Heartbreak. I've been reading the playoff scenario posts and it seems with a good week 13, we've gone from "no way" to "well maybe." In any case, all anguish aside, at least we have some entertaining football and meaningful games late in the season. This team deserves a ton of credit for fighting back and staying strong when it looked they could have fallen apart after the 0-4 start. Go Bills!
  4. Yup, pretty poor, especially considering it's a PAY service.
  5. I agree with Forbidden Planet. 2 more not yet mentioned: Donnie Darko, 12 Monkeys
  6. An important distinction: There is a difference between HAVING a spectacular penis and BEING an incredible dick! Kidding. I'm just kidding. I couldn't resist the joke, but I'm KIDDING (we mock what we don't understand)
  7. I'd rather lose than cheat. And that's coming from an all-time loser who has managed to get by somehow, with a rather unspectacular penis no less. And I'm not lying to anybody, myself included.
  8. What kind of dork uses the ignore feature? Are you afraid of words? Plus, when somebody you're ignoring posts something in a thread, you look like an idiot when you post after and look like you can't read. No thank you. I say, Welcome BlackBear, knock yourself out!
  9. When the Bills are stomping the Dolphins on Sunday, just take a moment to thank Lawrence Taylor for the fact that ol' Rusty Joe Theesman STILL walks with a limp because one leg is shorter than the other. And SMILE!
  10. They are all suprisingly good. Seems like most of the really creative stuff on TV is animated now. Simpsons in its prime is the tops, but now has slipped quite a bit. For me, right now, the best one is Family Guy.
  11. Giambi is way worse. Not even close. But if you factor in how Rose was so defiant and bitter and delusional about the whole thing, it gets a little closer.
  12. They should have a separate CHEATER Hall of Fame. And they could keep a whole separate set of stats, like Most Career Home Runs By A Scumbag, etc...
  13. Be honest. When you first saw it, did just a little part of you go, "ooh, here's something I can complain about"?
  15. http://www.junk19.com/images/puke1.jpg
  16. More like a "SHOE IN" I'd say. Shoe in what, I have no idea.
  17. Wow, substitute for "21st century" for "19th century" and "cash" for "cakes" and you have a good definition for Pro Football.
  18. I've always wondered this. I picture a guy with 2 big birthday cakes on his feet instead of shoes and he's kind of lumbering around like Frankenstein's monster. Or, maybe a crazy person puts a great big cake (wedding style this time) in a wagon and parades it around the town square because he thinks it's a pet or something.
  19. Damn, the Packers get a lot of prime time games. God forbid, the beloved Green Bay Farvers should have to play on Sunday afternoon like everybody else.
  20. Me me. I like Luna. Yes, Penthouse is excellent. Bewitched is very good too.
  21. It's called the Old Milwaukee Flu. And any doctor will tell you, the last thing you should do is go to work. The best thing you can do is sleep in to 11:30, then get up and read the articles describing the glorious Bills upset victory over a nice greasy hot breakfast.
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